Snow White remake will be inclusive, but viewers are tired

A remake of one of Disney’s most beloved fairy tales is expected in 2024. snow White. Just recently, the very first photos of the new version of the film were published online, and between the screaming fake of Disney and the audience, already divided in half, there is still much to discuss.

It’s all the fault of the Daily Mail.: A well-known British newspaper has published several stills that should theoretically be related to the filming of a new live-action film snow White. In these two photos we see Snow White dressed as Snow White, but from dark skin compared to the traditional (white as snow, in fact) and a group of characters who, apparently, should interpret the dwarves, but who gnomes don’t seem. The beautiful Snow White’s friends are both male and female, not all of them are white and, again, according to a photo published by the Daily Mail, only one in seven will actually be a dwarf.

In short, two photos (unofficial, as they will be doubles) were enough to reveal the great classic. controversy: We are not exaggerating a bit. politically correct? A bit like what happened with the remake Mermaidfans of great fairy tales still do not understand the need to get their hands on the concept inclusivenessTo sometimes felt almost forced. In particular, what infuriates the general public is the idea forced change (not to tell coup) traditions. Thoughts on this subject are contradictory, but disputes, when it comes to the great classics, are difficult to subside.

What can we expect from the Snow White remake? No more stereotypes and lots of inclusiveness

While the film is still in production, what do we know about snow White 2024 is that it will be new in everything. The main character will play Rachel Zegler (this is not the one in the offending photo) and the witch stepmother will have a face Gal Gadot, wonderful and enchanting (strange, isn’t it?). The storm that broke out on the net, of course, does not refer to the cast just mentioned, but tosheer excess of political correctness. Gnomes will not be gnomes, but will essentially be magical creatures: no more formulaic and infantile charactersand people, each with their own diversity. Oh, among them there will be a woman! The choice was especially felt by Disney, who was burned by the actor’s scathing criticism. Peter Dinklagewho showed himself overwhelmed by the choice of a Latin actress as the protagonist, but equally disappointed by the intention, as usual, to say to the Seven Dwarfs: “It doesn’t make any sense, for me. You are progressive on the one hand but continue to tell damn retrograde story about the seven dwarfs who live together in a cave.

of course Disney immediately ran for coverhaving opted for a more diverse and open roster, but even that choice seems to be disliked by most. How are you, you’re wrong, right?

Snow White 2024 doesn’t need Prince Charming: better alone than in bad company?

There new snow white he will be of Colombian and Polish descent, his complexion will not be pale, and his cheeks will not be red, nor will his lips. This is the first controversy that erupted after the spread of fake images, but above all after the live action teaser. Even more striking, unfortunately, not in a positive sense, complete absence (Well, it looks like) Prince Charming. Unlike the original story, in fact, the modern Snow White will be one of them in every way. enterprising woman: who said that the figure of a human savior stealing our hearts is always necessary? This is a remake idea written by Greta Gervingdirector barbie movie (actually it all adds up). Snow White will save herself and take the helm of her life: no Prince Charming and saving kisses, but only perseverance, endurance and eyes open to dreams.

Society evolves and its perceptions change, but not everyone agrees

“It will be so politically correct that the gnomes will be 1.90 tall, the witch will be beautiful, and the apple will be organic”, “The deep meaning of the original fairy tale and its archetypes is lost. It’s good to keep the translation, it’s good to continue, but if history changes, then the title must change”, “But is it more reasonable to modernize and distort ancient history, or is it better to write new stories?” and so on. Social media is full of these types of comments and it seems like she just doesn’t like the idea of ​​a new Snow White.

Society changes, narratives change, but people wonder how useful it is for social improvement to distort a history that has always been that way? Is it fear of seeing your “confidence” collapse, or is it just fatigue from the unrestrained search for perfection?

It’s Right to Strive for Inclusionit is equally correct to clear stereotypes and make dream even those who have not been able to do so until now, because they grew up with the idea that Snow White should be white, but is it really an ethical choice or is it just “it’s better to do”?

The questions remain suspended, but the discussion continues: stay tuned!

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