Soft Food Recipes: Four Ideas for Taking Care of Your Belly

Soft Food Recipes: Four Ideas for Taking Care of Your BellyPopTika/Shutterstock

this Light diet As the name suggests, this is a diet consisting of foods that are soft and easy to digest. This diet is designed to reduce the impact on the digestive system and is generally recommended when the gastrointestinal tract needs a rest or is recovering.


When is a soft diet necessary?

Usually, a health professional will tell us whether we should follow a soft diet. Regardless, it is generally recommended for use in the following situations:

  • After surgery. After some surgeries, especially those involving the digestive system, it is often recommended to eat a soft diet to promote recovery and avoid complications.
  • Digestive system diseases. If you have gastritis, ulcers, gastroenteritis, etc., soft foods can help reduce irritation and improve digestion.
  • Dental problems. Soft foods are a good option after dental surgery or if chewing is painful.

Soft food available Main goal: Reduce work on the digestive system. The foods it is composed of are easily digested and absorbed, minimizing irritation and stress on the stomach and intestines. Additionally, avoiding foods that are spicy, acidic, greasy, or overly seasoned can reduce the risk of inflammation or irritation. Simply put, this is a diet designed to protect the digestive system and allow it to rest.

soft serve recipes

If you’re not sure what you can eat or cook, here we suggest some very simple options if you need to follow a soft diet. You don’t have to make your life too complicated and they’ll do their job:

  • Mashed potatoes: Boil potatoes until tender. Then mash them with a little olive oil or butter and milk until smooth.
  • White rice with carrots: Boil the rice in water with a little salt. Add diced carrots until soft. Serve hot.
  • Skim chicken soup: Boil chicken breasts in water with carrots, celery and onions. Once cooked, remove the chicken and shred it. Add it back to the broth and serve hot.
  • Applesauce: Peel the apples and cut into chunks. Boil them in a little water until tender. Stir until smooth.

These recipes are just a starting point. Soft diets can be varied and adapted to each individual’s needs and tastes, always taking into account medical advice.

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