Spanish Poniente district moves to El Ejido market to detect cardiovascular risk factors

The Poniente Health District of Almeria, relying on the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), organized an information and awareness campaign at the Municipal Market in the city of El Ejido, Almeria. To prevent illness, public health physicians and nurses explain to clients and visitors the importance of vaccinations, identifying possible cardiovascular risks, and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits.

The El Ejido City Council clarified in a press release that the event is part of the X Health Week promoted by the El Ejido City Council to improve the health of Ejido residents. Beatriz Martínez, Medical Director of the Poniente Health District of Almeria, and Laura Alonso, Head of Nursing, were present on the call. Councilor for Education, Youth and Civic Participation Javier Rodriguez also visited the El Ejido Municipal Market.

An information table set up at the entrance to the market highlights on the one hand the specific parts that food and healthy dishes should contain. The health worker clarified: “Half of the plate should consist of vegetables and fruits; a quarter should contain protein, including meat, fish or legumes; and the remaining quarter should be carbohydrates, especially whole foods.” Cereals.” On the other hand, cardiovascular risk in people interested in activity was also monitored. Ponient District professionals measure blood pressure and measure body mass index to recommend healthy lifestyle habits.

Likewise, information brochures on food protection were distributed at stalls in the El Ejido Municipal Market. Professionals caution the need to use drinking water in the kitchen, wash fruits and vegetables properly (especially those eaten raw), maintain proper hygiene of surfaces and kitchen utensils, and keep raw and cooked foods in separate containers.

Users, on the other hand, can view the status of their vaccination records and manage vaccination appointments directly. Health workers expressed the importance of preventing influenza and coronavirus to avoid hospitalization. Both vaccines will be available to people over 70, children six months or older, adults with high-risk medical conditions, highly dependent people and their professional caregivers, and pregnant women, once vaccination has been completed in nursing homes. Children aged 6 to 59 months (inclusive) can also get the flu vaccine.

Professionals clear up doubts related to other lesser-known bacteria, such as pneumococcal bacteria, that can cause pneumonia or meningitis in high-risk patients. “Vaccination is the best health prevention measure,” they insist. In the Poniente health district, people who responded to this profile are advised to make an appointment at its health center or through the ClicSalud app or the Salud Responde website.

Member of the Association Activa Tu Ocio y Di Capacitados.

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