Spanish swine flu spreads to humans

A case of swine flu virus infection found in Lleida, Spain January 29th. This was confirmed by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in its weekly bulletin.The affected person is an adult male pig farm workers Now fully recovered. No new cases have been reported among close contacts or colleagues. Spanish authorities have concluded epidemiological investigations.

The ECDC said the patient infected with swine flu visited outpatient clinics three times within three weeks of developing symptoms. Development starts on November 25th Symptoms (cough with mucopurulent sputum, fever, general malaise, and myalgia) and went to the clinic three times over the next three weeks. The report emphasized that the chest X-ray showed no signs of pneumonia and bronchitis was diagnosed. On December 12, 2023, nasal and oropharyngeal swab samples tested positive for influenza A, and subtype classification could not be performed. The Catalan regional reference laboratory analyzed it again and the result was identified as swine flu. A H1N1 virus.

swine flu virus

Samples have been sent to the National Institute of Microbiology for confirmation and the virus isolated will be shared with World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centers. According to the evaluation of ECDC experts, all genes are consistent with currently circulating swine viruses.Furthermore, they pointed out This is not an “accidental” case Because these viruses “are widespread in pig herds, direct human contact with pigs is the most common risk factor for infection.”

Since 2011 to date, there have been reports that 73 cases of swine influenza virus variant infection among humans around the world. There are 2 cases in Brazil, 1 case in Canada, 42 cases in China, 2 cases in Denmark, 5 cases in Germany, 1 case in Italy, 6 cases in the Netherlands, 2 cases in Spain, 3 cases in Switzerland, and 9 cases in the United States. The last registered case in Spain started in 2022.

ECDC stressed that they are working with disease experts to monitor zoonotic influenza cases through epidemiological intelligence activities to identify possible significant changes in the epidemiology of the virus. They pointed out that currently, some countries, including the European Union and the European Economic Area, have reported sporadic cases of swine-origin influenza viruses transmitting to humans and causing mild to severe infections.Although they pointed out “Sporadic cases are expected to occur”they pointed out The overall risk of transmission of this influenza is very low Due to the high prevalence of swine influenza viruses in swine herds, infection rates are low in the general population and in occupationally exposed populations.

Although it may contain statements, data, or notes from health agencies or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is compiled and prepared by journalists. Readers are advised to consult a healthcare professional with any health-related questions.

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