Spot reveals first striking image

channel 13 reality, “Tierra Brava” has revealed some of the details and filled the gaps left by many widowers under signal constraints, which gave rise to the most iconic reality show in Chilean history, such as “The Protagonist of Fame,” “The Farm,” “1810,” and “The World of Opposites.”

The former channel of the cherubs has announced the dynamics of this new show, on the one hand a hybrid of the aforementioned “La Granja” and “Mundos Opuestos”. 16 celebrities will give up all privileges to live together in separate studios for 5 months: Modern and rustic at the same time.

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For the first time in weeks, Constanza was not named to leave the house in Buenos Aires.

In addition, the winner of each extreme physical competition is rewarded with luxuries and privileges, while the loser is forced to live in uncomfortable and austere conditions.

first picture

Finally, the reality show’s first ad came out, featuring a woman taking a ringworm bath with candles in a luxurious setting. “How plentiful and warm the water is, but in this reality I would not share this privilege with anyone”she says.

That same woman in a sculpted dress, before she hits the ground a plane touches the ground, and the setting changes completely to a barn filled with the sound of chickens, and water is thrown into her instead of her cozy bathtub. “What made this celebrity pay for all his mistakes on reality TV?” The voice-over asked at this time.

“Soon you’ll see a new reality show”, The host of the show, Sergio Lagos, said in the video. Channel 13 footage appears in a green field surrounded by a corral where sheep are grazing, “Every action has its consequences”He smiled and said it was over. “Tierra Brava, no pain, no gain”and finally come out.

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what will happen : Channel 13 unveils new details of its reality show Tierra Brava

A group of prominent Chileans and foreigners will take part in an event reminiscent of the opposite world.


  • New Tierra Brava locations appear.
  • Channel 13’s new reality show has an interesting proposition.
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