SSM examines health status of residents of San Isidro Altahuerta, Hidalgo

Morelia, Michigan, Aug. 30, 2023. – In order to understand the risks faced by the residents of the San Isidro Alta Huerta neighbourhood, Hidalgo, the Michoacan State Health Secretariat (SSM), through the National Protection Council for Health Risks (Coepris), conducted a census of 200 inhabitants of the area.

On site, health promoters conducted risk studies to identify the health threats residents face in their daily lives and measure vulnerability, according to the release.

To this end, a workshop was organized, targeting mainly mothers who were mainly engaged in housework, informing them of diseases associated with poor hygiene practices, such as gastrointestinal tract, conjunctivitis, skin infections and respiratory diseases.

In addition, 80 triptychs containing measures for the hygienic handling of food and 65 plastic bags containing information and illustrative images on the steps to disinfect and chlorinate water were delivered.

Once the survey has been evaluated, Coepris Michoacán will conduct a series of training sessions to improve sanitation in the area and thus help improve the health of residents.

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