Stan Lee, Kevin Smith were approached to make a biopic on the legendary cartoonist

Stan Lee, director Kevin Smith was asked to make a biopic on the legendary cartoonist.

Stan Leepseudonym of Stanley Martin Lieberis considered the “father” of many superheroes Marvel Comics, Writer, editor, editor, filmmaker and occasional actor, Lee contributed to the creation of modern mythology by designing immortal characters such as: Fantastic FourAle’Spider Man, big ship, iron Man, thor They X Men and writing stories that continue to be read, enjoyed and discovered decades later, and that serve as inspiration to other creative minds.

During a new episode of the Fat Man Beyond podcast, the renowned cartoonist, director, producer and screenwriter Kevin Smith has revealed that he almost directed a biopic about Stan Lee. when the co-host mark bernardin When asked which entertainment character he would like to make a biopic on if given the chance, Smith said:

Stan Lee, that’s all it said. I will do a Stan Lee biopic. I was asked to do a biopic about Stan LeeIf I’m being honest with you.

However, the cartoonist admitted that he was not the right person for the position, given his close friendship with Lee and their long association:

I probably wouldn’tBecause me too… I don’t know. maybe i’m too close to the subject,

Stan Lee Kevin Smith

This is not the first time that a biographical film on the cartoonist is doing the rounds. during magician world nashvilleLee himself revealed this Leonardo Dicaprio – a huge fan of his – as well as his former neighbors – wanted to feature him in a feature film dedicated to his life:

He is a huge fan of Marvel, he has all Marvel posters on the walls of his house, that is great. We want to make a film on my life in which he will play my character. I said to him ‘Not sure if you look good enough or not. we will do some tests, So don’t get too excited, we will let you know.’ (laughs)

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