Stanley Kubrick’s last film starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.

Thematic channel Media network, Be crazyavailable on DTT from any television operator, offers this evening ahead of the broadcast of the latest classic, which Stanley Kubrick he set it before we left 1999. Indeed, this film is treated as above. posthumous workyour director cannot go beyond the belt and can only show the final assembly Warner Brosbecause it flopped in March and the film opened in theaters in September of that year.

Have you ever heard of Stanley Kubrick? The neo-Yorkino filmmaker is one of the most renowned directors in film history, having paved the way for such mythical works as ‘Shining Man’ (1980), “Red phone? Let’s fly to Moscow (1964), “Messengers of Glory” (1957), “Mechanical History” (1971), “Metal Chaqueta” (1987) or ‘2001: Odyssey in Space’ (1968), by the way. In this case, Cockpit Please note, in cooperation with Frederic Rapael yes de Arthur Schnitzler for processing Guion.

It’s about carrying literary adaptation queue Stanley Kubrick Leva in the cinema: ‘Relato sonado’de Arthur Schnitzler (1926), called ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ -‘Ojos bien cerrados’-, con unos jovencísimos Tom Cruise th Nicole Kidman of the main characters. For those who were famous for films like Mythical “Mission Impossible” (1996) “Flirting” (1991) respectively, además de remarcar que por entonces both were official.

Eyes Wide Shut Sign

With eyes wide shut

Hoy en Be Mad from 22:30.

William Harford (Tom Cruise) is a respected doctor from New York whose life seems very good: he is married to a precious woman, he has a hijja and a job that he likes. But the next day you attend an exposed party. Alice (Nicole Kidman) He tells her about erotic fantasies and how he plans to break up with a stranger. Stunned by this confession, he found himself entering a place where an old comrade had told him of a secret meeting dedicated to hedonism and boundless pleasure. From that moment on, a world dominated by sex and eroticism began before him.

“Eyes Wide Shut” section

Tom Cruise th Nicole Kidman they will head the department next to Madison Egintonde “Star Trek: Generations” (1994); Sydney Pollackde “Memorials of Africa” (1985); Todd Fieldde “Twister” (1996); Vinessa Shawde “The 3:10 Train” (2007) Rade Serbedzijade “Angel of Death” (2018), by the way.

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