Star’s criticism of American industry

Tom Holland is one of the biggest stars of the moment, but his approach to Hollywood is decidedly complicated.

Tom Holland doesn’t like the market dynamics of the American film industry and his attitude towards it became clear during the latest press release. The Spider-Man: No Way Home star has always been vocal about her thoughts on fame, infamy and the effect of media overexposure on the personal lives of people famous for their work on the big screen. Since its invention, cinema has continued to produce great stars who are compelled to share even the most private aspects of their daily existence.

However, Holland doesn’t think it’s a very healthy dynamic, preferring to keep his job and his personal life. Difficult as it is, he has so far managed to keep his relationship in a very secure bubble with his co-star Zendaya, who is just as (if not more) famous than him.

Tom Holland against the Hollywood industry: The actor likes his job, but he does not like the dynamics of fame

Spider-Man 4 Tom Holland

During Jai Shetty’s podcast, the friendly neighbor Spider-Man candidly expressed his view on the dynamics of the world’s biggest and most popular film industry, Hollywood. Tom Holland told the host: “I’ve been really good at keeping in touch with my friends, keeping my family close, learning my lessons, not getting caught up in the hype of Hollywood. I’m actually a big fan of movies, but I don’t really like Hollywood. It’s not for me. Business really scares me. I understand that I am part of this business and I enjoy my way of interacting with it, but that said, I am always looking for ways to step away from it, to live as normal a life as possible.,

In short, the young actor says that he is intimidated by the business and its dynamics, but is ready to face them if needed out of love for his work and honoring his great talent.

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