Start: on Canale 20 film with Leonardo DiCaprio

Questionhis evening at 21.05 Canale 20 will broadcast Originfilm by Christopher Nolan 2010 and who will see protagonist Leonardo DiCaprio as a “dream thief” fighting difficult mission to complete. And in the presence of his wife Marion Cotillard to torment him in reality and in a dream.

Leonardo DiCaprio: a career in 10 films

Leonardo DiCaprio: a career in 10 films

Origin: the plot of the film with Leonardo DiCaprio

In the not-too-distant future, Japanese tycoon Saito hires Dominic “Doma” Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) and partner Artur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) graft onto rival Fischer (Cillian Murphy) the idea of ​​the collapse of his economic empire.

Both partners are experts in the “extraction” technique, ie.penetrate the vulnerable mind of the sleepingliterally steals dreams, but in this case they will have to practice the “beginning”, that is, the implementation of the idea. In exchange for cooperation, Saito offers Dom a chance to return to America, where he has since fled. accused of killing his wife Mel (Marion Cotillard).

To two extractors added forger Eames (Tom Hardy) and student Mr. architecture Ariadne (Ellen Page); to get vaccinated, everyone will have to immerse themselves in the team member’s dream. From time to time he was given the task of controlling the projection of his sleep. To stay real Dom always carries in his pocket a small top called a totem, but the greatest danger to him will be the memory of his dead wife..

Complex and fabulous thriller

At first, Christopher Nolan accustomed us to cinema, where there is no clear boundary between genres and in which the viewer can literally get lost in the story. Finding yourself in a world that is not real, but shows its own characteristics in every way. Origin this is no exception, indeed, it is possible the most successful example of how an American director can create previously unknown cinematic universes. With all due respect to the viewer, “forced” to extricate himself from very intricate plots and not always easy to read.

Marion Cotillard and Leonardo DiCaprio in a scene from Inception. (Archive of RKS)

Here, one of the possible parameters for overcoming the complexity of the narrative is think of a “common dream” all the main characters since the director Interstellar immediately focuses on lack of a conscious transition between the real and the illusory world. Nolan loves to play with cinematic times, and this is where he likes to shower us. a series of related dreams each with its own time rhythm, in a Chinese boxing game that requires a certain amount of attention from the viewer.

Conceptually complex and superbly choreographed thanks to several purposeful special effects. – despite the “poverty” in the days of CGI – the film is unforgettable even in some scenes. Like a train rushing through the Los Angeles countryside Paris that literally folds into itself or a scene from fight in weightlessness. Thus, the director can balance the many genres inhabiting itor: from melodrama to thriller, through a spy-fiction plot and a harrowing love story. All mixed up to give us a film perhaps a little cold and too well constructed to really warm the heart, but able to make us think in the face of all that cinema can still produce.

And that leaves us with an open question. What is a dream and what is not?

waiting Oppenheimer in theaters August 23

Released in the US at the same time as Barbieup to unleashing a social mania called “Barbenheimer”, Nolan’s latest work is currently his biggest commercial and critical success.. For playing time exceeding three hours, The film is set in the 1940s and focuses on the historical figure of American scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, played by Cillian Murphy. considered one of the fathers of the atomic bomb.

Film tells development of the deadly bomb during World War II. When the United States and its entourage of scientists launched the Manhattan Project, which led to the creation of the famous bombs that were later dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Shot in IMAX 70mm, Oppenheimer This is the director’s first biopic.. Not wanting to use CGI, Nolan also limits the use of special effects in this film as much as possible. But telling his biography, he manages to keep it. the viewer is glued to his place by three parallel and persistent narrative lines. Nolan said he would like to return to the roots of his cinema, choosing an essentially “unimpressive” storyline. It’s just as compelling and captivating as the previous films.


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