State health department launches HIV testing day in rural town of La Paz

Within the framework of efforts to strengthen sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention and timely care for vulnerable populations, the Ministry of Health of Baja California Sur organized workshops on the application of rapid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) tests in rural areas of La Paz, such as this week in May Events in Litong Albañez.

These actions target communities with high concentrations of immigrants due to the operations of agricultural companies, providing them with barrier methods of contraception to prevent these diseases, as well as tests to detect them in time, which is key,” said Zaziel Florey, head of the agency. Zazil Flores Aldape said to initiate treatment and take steps to break the chain of transmission.

These activities are coordinated by the HIV, AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Prevention and Care Program run by Dr. Omar Pérez Carreón, with voluntary and confidential screening of older persons and The doctor explained that a blood sample is taken from a finger, put it into a device that gives out the result in about 20 minutes, and mentioned that if confirmation data is provided, the patient will be counseled and directed to Set up a special health unit.

The civil servant added that in addition to HIV testing, rapid tests for hepatitis C and syphilis are carried out and when the test results are positive, people have the opportunity to treat the patient through a specific drug program to avoid potentially serious permanent sequelae. . In these cases, the Ministry of Health provides care to patients who lack social security through the Outpatient Centers for Prevention and Care of AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (CAPASITS) in Los Cabos and La Paz.

Flores Aldape concludes that in the first quarter of 2023, the institution he is responsible for has completed the More than 1000 HIV tests.

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