State health secretary reports 15,000 cases of acute respiratory illness this year

They recommend wearing a mask, washing your hands frequently, sneezing into the inside of your elbow, avoiding self-medication and eating a healthy diet.

So far this year, there have been 15,000 cases of acute respiratory diseases, mainly influenza, coronavirus and the common cold, which is why health authorities are inviting people, mainly those most vulnerable to such diseases, to get vaccinated. Children under 5 years old, elderly people over 60 years old, etc.

They recommend that some preventive measures include using a mask, washing hands frequently, sneezing into the inside of your elbow, avoiding self-medication and doctor visits, eating healthily and drinking plenty of water.

Rogelio Covarrubias, Medical Director of the Northern Region, and Verónica Carrión, Epidemiology Coordinator of Health Jurisdiction 2, highlighted certain aspects of acute respiratory diseases, which they believe are caused by different pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria.

These types of illnesses are said to have a sudden onset and last an average of two weeks, including influenza, coronavirus and the common cold, as well as bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, tonsillitis and more.

Covarrubias said these types of illnesses are spread from person to person through the respiratory tract. He explained that the exit is also through the respiratory tract, as is the entry point for contracting the disease, which is why he stressed the importance of continuing to use masks.

Symptoms range from muscle pain, general malaise, sore throat, nasal congestion, loss of smell and taste, he said.

Dr. Carrión commented that the most serious warning signs of being affected in children under 5 years old, and in people over 60 years old, are breathing faster than normal, difficulty eating, sagging of the skin around the ribs, the child appearing upset, stopping eating, and around the lips, gums, or fingernails The presence of blue discoloration, which he said indicates a lack of oxygen, stressed that these conditions require immediate medical attention.

Carla Dias, head of the vaccination program at the National Health Secretariat, commented that preventive measures include the use of masks, frequent hand washing, respiratory etiquette of sneezing into the inside of the elbow, avoidance of self-medication and hospital visits. Doctor, eat healthy and drink lots of water.

The medical director immediately commented on the number of cases of acute respiratory illnesses such as influenza that have occurred during the current winter, which is thought to have started in January this year.

“Fifteen thousand, I told you from the beginning, this is what is expected every year. All health institutions, from IMSS and ISSSTE to pensions and other institutions, have an average of 3,000 to 3,500 cases per month,” he said.

Covarrubias said it was important to highlight the emergence of cases of influenza, which he said is a recurring disease that must be treated with vaccinations.

“Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself against the serious complications of these illnesses. People who must be vaccinated are mainly children aged 6 to 59 months (two doses are needed in winter for protection), pregnant women, and People with comorbidities like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, asthma, cancer and HIV,” he noted.

The medical director of the Northern Region added that it is therefore necessary to go to health units to get vaccinated against these conditions.

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