Strong Feelings for Gemini and Leo

The ranking of the luckiest zodiac signs for the week running from June 19 to 25, 2023 speaks clearly for the horoscope: Fire signs are still victorious, so are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius (but even air signs are no No kidding: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius). With the summer solstice these signs of the zodiac will be competing to see who is in love the most.

There ranking of the week For the horoscope that runs from Monday 19 to Sunday 25 June 2023, the very strong Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) as well as the Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) will be in a good position now. thanks everyone Mercury has just entered Gemini,

Horoscope, ranking the luckiest signs for next week

A week of the crescent moon, with Mars square Uranus and the summer solstice: This certainly isn’t a week to go unnoticed. Let’s say the feelings will be strong, even reincarnated. Ready??

12. Scorpio

You’re friendly like the young lady who heats Rustichel at the Autogrill bar on Homecoming Sunday when everyone is stressed and she’s hot, but only off a plate of sandwiches. It is better to stay away and talk only when absolutely necessary. Needless to say, love may abound next week.

Horoscope of 13 June 2023

11. Taurus

Keep your optimism with you when you overdo it with salt with water retention. Jupiter would also like you to be a party animal but the very idea of ​​sharing laughter and jokes makes you nervous. You smile to yourself, and the only thing that makes you happy is being in the shower, so if they call you, you have an excuse not to hear them.

10. Aquarius

At least this Mercury in your favor spins the neurons in your brain about as fast as your balls spin. For a level playing field, in short. So you continue to be happy only when you put on your pajamas and go to bed, all alone, but you definitely take the time to send some very acidic tones on WhatsApp before you go to sleep. So to get you off.

9. Pisces

You are soft and welcoming, like wooden benches at village festivals. Even with you we get comfortable for a maximum of ten minutes, because then it gets really tiring. Against this is Mercury’s fault, which makes you worse than an air conditioning motor when it’s at full steam. It takes you at least half an hour.

8. Virgo

We’ll pinch you from time to time to make sure you’re alive and awake. We practically move the mouse around to restart you. Because this week you will be very calm and nice, as if you were at an opera in the theater and you will also hold back from the usual sharp jokes. Aren’t you sick, Virginona???

7. Cancer

These days you’re more than a tour operator, a scout leader, and even a summer camp teacher for kids. If we have any kind of problem, logistical or emotional but also bureaucratic, we can ask you to solve everything. This efficiency scares you sometimes but you almost also enjoy scheduling p breaks.

6. Capricorn

You are an ideal colleague who does not lose his desire to work even from the first summer. Excellent! You are also the one who restarts the computer after the aperitif. You find it so easy to be turkey and charming, that you almost feel guilty and decide to atone by arriving at the office in front of everyone. Anyone who trusts you is safer than an insurance advisor.

5. Sagittarius

Mercury calms you down, but you have muscles and, above all, an army of highly trained hormones on your side, so you definitely won’t get bored. And you will not bore them in front of you. Nothing scares you, and even if they ask you to say something wise right now, smile and radiate all the charm given to you by the stars and you will see that no one will pay attention to your nonsense. .

4. Libra

These days we all wink at just reading the airline’s disclaimers before you buy your ticket. Just being in front of you is enough to make us wonder why we’re not kissing you already. You manage to remain calm even in conversations about gifts to teachers and you have a perfect aplomb when it comes to serving lost luggage.

3. Aries

Love hangs on you like a bee on its daisy, and assume it has no intention of sharing you with anyone else. You have the mischievous look of someone who knows they’re wanted like air conditioning when it’s 40 degrees. In short, this summer is getting hotter and hotter and you love it so much.

2. Lion

At an open-air concert in Lyon you are craving like mosquito repellent and you will definitely take advantage of the situation. But you’re doing great Eh, let’s be clear. In fact, not only do you feel like a rock star these days but you’re also pretty ready for stage diving at the Super Bowl and huge crowds like Rihanna. You would also fill the stadium with fans.

1. Gemini

With Mercury in your sign, you’ll be so good that the restaurant owner will give you a discount almost without asking! You always have a quick joke and quick wit of someone who solves every situation without panicking. It is clear that this is how you love us all!

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