Study finds hepatitis B virus vaccine beneficial for patients with chronic liver disease

A recent study reveals an unexpected positive impact of hepatitis B virus infection on survival in patients with chronic liver disease. While the hepatitis B vaccine has long been known for its effectiveness in preventing infection, researchers have now found that it can also improve survival outcomes in individuals who already have liver disease.

The investigation, led by Kaicen Wang of Heidelberg University School of Medicine in Mannheim, focused on 57,306 patients at Columbia University over a 20-year period. Surprisingly, only 2.79% of patients with chronic liver disease were vaccinated against hepatitis B, while 97.21% were not vaccinated.

The study found that patients who received hepatitis B virus vaccination had significantly higher survival rates compared with unvaccinated patients, regardless of gender. In cases where patients have both hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C, vaccination does not affect survival. However, patients with chronic hepatitis C who were also vaccinated against hepatitis B virus had significantly improved survival rates.

Interestingly, patients with both hepatitis B virus and chronic nonalcoholic liver disease had poorer overall survival. However, among patients with chronic non-alcoholic liver disease, those vaccinated against hepatitis B virus showed better survival rates. This correlation held for both male and female patients.

In addition, studies have found that the survival rate of patients with cirrhosis is significantly improved after being vaccinated against hepatitis B virus. This benefit applies to both alcoholic and non-alcoholic cirrhosis.

The results of this study indicate that it is critical to expand the coverage of hepatitis B virus vaccination programs, not only for those at high risk of infection, but also for all patients with chronic liver disease. The findings shed new light on the potential benefits of the hepatitis B vaccine and highlight the importance of comprehensive medical records for patients with liver disease.

frequently asked questions

1. What are the benefits of hepatitis B virus vaccination for patients with chronic liver disease?

Studies have shown that patients with chronic liver disease who received hepatitis B virus vaccination had significantly improved survival compared with unvaccinated patients. This benefit applies to both alcoholic and non-alcoholic cirrhosis and also to people with chronic hepatitis C unless they also have hepatitis B.

2. Can hepatitis B vaccine prevent hepatitis B virus infection?

Yes, the hepatitis B vaccine has been shown to be very effective in preventing hepatitis B virus infection. It is considered the safest and most effective vaccine ever produced, according to the Hepatitis B Foundation.

3. What proportion of patients with chronic liver disease in the study were vaccinated?

Only 2.79% of patients with chronic liver disease in the study had received hepatitis B virus vaccination. This demonstrates the urgent need to increase vaccination rates among this population.

–Wang, K, Itzel, T, Daza, J., et al. Benefits of hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination in patients with chronic liver disease. Accessed: November 21, 2023. URL: (source)
– Hepatitis B vaccine. Hepatitis B Foundation. Accessed: November 21, 2023. URL: (source)
– Adult vaccinations. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed: November 21, 2023. URL: (source)

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