Study reveals hidden burden of Spanish flu

Influenza is a common but often underestimated illness that can cause serious complications, especially in high-risk groups. These complications can lead to hospitalization and, in some cases, death. To analyze this issue, a recent study analyzed the hidden burden of the Spanish flu.For this purpose, the data were analyzed The decade between 2008 and 2018. The aim of the study was to estimate the clinical and economic burden of severe influenza in Spain, based on a statistical model that successfully measured the significant burden of severe influenza in terms of hospitalizations and related deaths. This study provides data that underscores the importance of better influenza prevention and increased public awareness of influenza and demonstrates the need to increase vaccination rates, particularly among high-risk groups such as the elderly and those with comorbidities. However, official statistics may not recognize the true magnitude of the influenza-related disease burden.”This study quantifies the impact of influenza more accurately, which forces us to set targets more accurately than the World Health Organization,” explained study author Ángel Gil, professor of preventive medicine and public health at Rey Juan Carlos University. Higher. Build vaccination coverage This proportion reaches at least 75% among people over 65 years old.”.

The hidden burden of influenza data

One of the main conclusions is that hospitalizations for cardiovascular and respiratory reasons are significantly overrepresented compared to recorded influenza cases.Estimates were obtained for each hospitalization coded with a specific influenza diagnosis 3.8 Additional hospitalization Due to influenza-related cardiovascular and respiratory problems. Excessive hospitalizations not only have health consequences, but also economic consequences.Therefore, we calculate a Estimated annual direct costs are $142.9 million Euro for all ages. This is €115.9 million, specifically for patients over 65 years of age. As observed, influenza infection induces respiratory and nonrespiratory complications, with cardiovascular complications being the most prominent.of the total An estimated 37 million people are hospitalized In Spanish public hospitals, respiratory and cardiovascular disease diagnoses accounted for 26.4% of hospitalizations, of which 65.6% were patients over 65 years old. Additionally, the study provides a more detailed view of influenza-related mortality. During the analysis period, an average of 27.7 influenza deaths per 100,000 inhabitants were estimated across all age groups. Regarding mortality related to these respiratory and cardiovascular complications, the total number of excess deaths during the study period was 74,694, of which 68,484 were in patients over 65 years of age.

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