Supreme Court orders investigation into Alejandro Lyons’ lawyers due to ill health

this Supreme Court ordered to investigate Attorney at Alejandro Jose Leon, a hearing on the charges was postponed due to illness. Lawyer Álvaro José Lyons Villalba has suffered from multiple medical disabilities since 2021, the court said.

this Supreme Court i had planned this Aug. 8, hearing on charges against ex-governor departments Córdoba, Alejandro Leon and Moussa Besele. However, starting at 8am, the proceedings had to be postponed because of a petition filed by lawyer Alvaro Lyons, which was resolved by the High Court in the afternoon.

Although the court granted the patient’s application for medical disability, Lyon defense, A series of evidentiary practice was ordered because the lawyer had been suffering from multiple disabilities since 2021.

“pass Attorney Alvaro José Leon Villalba, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, At 7.47am this morning, he sent a request to postpone the continuation of the hearing to make allegations of health problems; noting in particular that he had “… a gastrointestinal infection with fever, diarrhea and vomiting…”.

However, the High Court cited reasons for the delay:

“Given the defense’s own repeated requests to postpone the hearing, it is necessary to examine the matter from the moment counsel files the case Alvaro José Villalba replaces Lyon in defenseThe file says.

  • The first opportunity was through a document filed on November 27, 2020, in which he claimed bronchitis cause five days of medical disability, which did not allow him to take action at the hearing on November 30 of that year1. The Chamber of Commerce accedes to the request after verifying the supporting documents.
  • 2. It was originally scheduled to be held on July 22, 2021, but was later rescheduled to November 8, 2021 due to the agenda of the Chamber of Commerce.
  • August 2, 2021 The secretary of the chamber of commerce informs by phone stick with the doctor Alvaro Leon Villalba” pointing out Alexander Lyons Muskus was detained in the North American United States, for which it was necessary to issue an order to the Judiciary Police, since he did not specify precisely the place and the authority where he was detained.

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