Symptoms, treatments and advice for fighting it

Taking care of our skin is very important.It is the largest organ in the human body, we must take good care of it, observe whether there is any abnormality, and go to a specialist doctor if there is any abnormality.

In this case, one of the most common skin conditions is atopic dermatitisas its prevalence has increased worldwide over the past 30 years, and 15% to 30% of children already have the condition, although most will have mild atopic dermatitis. Of course, it affects adults as well, although its prevalence varies from 0.3% to 14.3%, according to different studies.

But what symptoms do you have?

Dr. Marta Elosua, Dermatologist, Quiron Salud University Hospital, Madrid

this Dr. Marta Elosua, Dermatologist Madrid Quiron Salud University Hospitalexplained that some symptom A symptom of atopic dermatitis is itching, known as pruritus. “This itching is often so intense that it limits activities of daily living,” as he also notes, “it can lead to other symptoms such as itching and even pain.”

Some red areas may also appear on the skin peeling Dermatologists detail that, on different parts of the body, can Exudate, crusts, fissures or fissures develop.

But beyond the symptoms, those with the disease want to know where it comes from, why it happens, and whether there are treatments available.It is a multifactorial disease, that is, it is caused by different factors which includes a Changes in skin barrier function, Altered immune system, genetic factors, and even environmental factors», says Dr. Elosua.

Warning: Maybe it’s not just dry skin

In some cases, people with atopic dermatitis may associate symptoms with dry skinTherefore, it is important to watch carefully what type of rash occurs.

In this sense, the expert explained: “Many times, we refer to dry skin as eczema. It looks like Some red patches or lesions on the skin that are scaling and itchy. If eczema occurs in certain conditions, in certain places, or in a person with eczema genetic predisposition We may be talking about atopic dermatitis. “

He gave an example: «A 5-year-old boy whose parents are allergic to pollen If there are scaly, red lesions on the front of the arms or behind the knees that are itchy, we’re probably talking atopic dermatitis.

Active treatment and maintenance

Fortunately, as Dr. Elosua points out, atopic dermatitis can be treated in a number of ways. “On the one hand, there is active treatment, and on the other hand, maintenance treatment,” he elaborated.

Regarding maintenance therapy, he commented, “It includes all Actions aimed at improving the skin barrier Or avoid triggers when they haven’t hurt yet. That is, when the skin is fine. Some of these behaviors, say dermatologists, are “Moisturize your skin every dayavoid woolen clothes, Use short showers and warm water for hygiene, ETC. Sometimes at this stage we also treat with immunomodulatory or anti-inflammatory creams 2-3 days a week.”

Regarding active treatment, experts said that it is carried out in the case of existing lesions. “This treatment has been Breakthroughs have been made in recent years, and the future prospects are expected to be bright. Can be treated with topical or oral anti-inflammatory drugs or immunomodulators, Oral or injectable immunosuppressantsphototherapy or recently approved biologic and small molecule therapies,” he added.

some common questions

Can I take a shower normally? «Yes, there are no contraindications. However, we must try to bathe them with lukewarm water (not too cold and not too hot), Use acidic or neutral pH soapuse hygiene products (if possible), bath oils that are free from perfumes, irritants or allergens, and leave the skin dry gently without rubbing ».

It’s also handy after the shower, says Dr. Elosua “Put on moisturizer, as long as you don’t have eczema lesions.”

How Does Sweat Affect Atopic Skin? He explained that many patients sweat may be another irritant It causes more itching. “Sometimes, showering after a workout and then applying moisturizer can be very helpful,” he concludes.

Does the garment need special care? «It depends on each patient, as what may go well for one person may not go so well for another. Of course, dermatologists recommend «wear loose clothes (avoid tight clothing that may cause chafing or additional irritation) and cotton, Avoid wool or rough fabrics And not too hot. It’s also recommended to avoid fabric softeners and use mild detergents that don’t contain fragrances or irritants. “

Summer is here, should I avoid the sun?

With radiation, you always have to be very careful and always be protected, although in this case, Dr. Elosua comments, “In areas affected by atopic dermatitis, it is not necessary to completely avoid the sun, always follow basic sun protection recommendations” .

In fact, he adds, “sunlight in atopic dermatitis May have beneficial effects due to its anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Sometimes, when atopic dermatitis is moderate or severe, we have phototherapy treatment, a technique in which ultraviolet B radiation is applied in a controlled manner.

But, of course, note that “it is important to take into account Excessive or uncontrolled sun exposure can make symptoms worse Atopic dermatitis and increased risk of skin damage.

What are your recommendations for sun protection in these areas? In this case, Dr. Elosua explains, “you should avoid the middle of the day and wear appropriate clothing, a hat and sunglasses.”

Regarding sunscreens, “I generally recommend physical sunscreens because they are usually better tolerated for children and people with atopic dermatitis, but they can also be less aesthetically pleasing and patients prefer other sunscreens”.

The dermatologist concluded, “It is also advisable to use a sunscreen specially formulated for skin with atopic dermatitis, No Fragrances or Harsh Chemicals.I also recommend that they be indexed as Light Protection +50 Change the cream every two hours or more often if you sweat or come into contact with water.

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