Syncytial virus, a threat that can cause pneumonia in children and adults

he syncytial virus (sin-SISH-uhl) or RSV is a microorganism that affects the respiratory system and often causes cold-like symptoms.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CVC), it is not a deadly virus Most people recover within a week or two, but the condition can be serious.this Infants and older adults are more likely Severe symptoms occur and require hospitalization.

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However, there are currently vaccine In addition to protecting the elderly, there are even precautions to protect babies and young children.

Causes of syncytial virus infection

The Medicine Plus website reports that syncytial viruses are the most common microorganisms causing disease. Infect In the lungs of infants and young children.

“Most children have been infected with the virus by the age of two. Outbreaks of RSV infection almost always begin in the fall and continue into the spring.”

Although more common in young children, people of all ages can become infected, and the bacteria pass tiny droplets of saliva discharged by an infected person under the following circumstances They blow their nose, cough or sneeze.

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“The virus usually spreads very quickly in multi-person households and daycare centers. The virus can survive on hands for half an hour or more, on counters for up to five hours, and on used tissues. Survival for several hours,” the agency added.

Syncytial virus symptoms

infected person virtual reality system They often develop symptoms within 4 to 6 days after being infected with the microorganism.this symptom Infections include:

  • Rhinorrhea
  • decreased appetite
  • cough
  • sneeze
  • fever

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According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in very small baby The only symptoms may be irritability, reduced activity, and difficulty breathing.

This is how illnesses caused by RSV are treated

Antiviral drugs are not recommended In fact, most RSV infections clear up on their own within a week or two.

How to relieve symptoms?

  • Control fever and pain painkiller and antipyretics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen
  • drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration

Bronchitis and pneumonia, the main enemies of syncytial virus

RSV can cause More serious infectionas bronchitiswhich is inflammation of the small airways in the lungs, and pneumonia,lung infection.

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Generally, healthy adults and infants infected with syncytial virus do not require hospitalization.But some people are infected with RSV, especially The elderly and infants under 6 monthsyou may need hospitalization if you have trouble breathing or develop the following symptoms dehydration.

In more severe cases, a person may need Extra oxygen, intravenous fluids anyone intubation There is mechanical ventilation.

How to prevent the spread of syncytial virus?

Most suitable prevent To spread this virus, follow these steps, which will help avoid other respiratory illnesses:

  • don’t leave home if you have symptoms
  • Yes you sneeze or when coughing, cover yourself with a disposable tissue
  • handwashing Wash frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • avoid touching your face Use dirty hands.
  • avoid close contact Socializing with others, such as kissing, shaking hands, etc.
  • clean surface those that are often touched

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