During this cold season, it is necessary to take measures to deal with low temperatures, as this can avoid contracting some respiratory diseases and other diseases that may cause complications.
In cold weather, it is important to dress as warmly as possible and drink hot drinks. However, these can only have a temporary effect.
Therefore, there are some foods that can help raise body temperature: Ice cream, since it is a fat-containing food, contains calories, allowing the body to produce energy, thus generating heat.
You also need to consume foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, such as:
- orange
- Guava
- tangerine
- Grapefruit
- strawberry
- kiwi fruit
In addition, experts recommend using wool socks, since the cold enters through the feet. Covering the head, hands, and ears is also recommended because, again, cold temperatures can enter through exposed extremities.
How to protect skin from cold?
People often experience skin problems because blood circulation slows down and the skin tends to become dry; this causes the skin to become more susceptible to dehydration. To do this, experts recommend taking some measures:
- Take a short bath with warm water: too cold or too hot water temperature will affect the skin; therefore, it is recommended to bathe at a neutral temperature. In addition, it is not recommended to take a bath for more than 15 minutes.
- Use moisturizer after showering: It is recommended to use moisturizer after showering. In cold temperatures, your skin may need multiple moisturizers, so it doesn’t hurt to apply the cream several times during the day.
- Drink water: This is the most effective way to keep your skin hydrated from within.
- Use sunscreen: Although it seems ironic, UV radiation can also affect the skin during the cold season.
with Aztec TV information.
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