Tarazona gastroenteritis epidemic originated in Castile and Leon

Tarazona gastroenteritis epidemic originated in Castile and LeonAndrea Volniku

Some unknown factors behind gastroenteritis outbreak detected in Tarazona three weeks ago 498 people have been affected.It is not clear where the pollution in the Quailes River originated from, but it has been confirmed that It is located in the waters of Castile and León, thus precluding the focus on Aragon. Sources from the Ministry of Health of the Aragonese government confirmed this on Monday after analyzing sections of the river in recent days.

«The results obtained in the analysis were ordered by the National Guard Nature Conservation Service and funded by the Ministry of Health of the Government of Aragon, Detection of the presence of protozoan oocysts Cryptosporidium before the river enters Aragonese territory. Therefore, it is increasingly assumed that the source of the contamination is located outside the territory of Aragon,” explained Nuria Gayán, Director of Public Health.

Investigations are ongoing to understand the exact point of origin. At this stage, All eyes are on a fish farm in the municipality of Vozmediano Soriasome control measures were implemented last week.

While waiting for some kind of confirmation in this regard, one of the options proposed by experts and the Ministry of Health itself is The origin of the epidemic will never be known. Given that once a protozoa reaches the water, it is carried by the currents, the microorganisms may no longer be where they started when the study begins.

Ministries and departments coordination

Starting from this Monday, The General Directorate of Public Health of the Ministry of Health is responsible for coordinating all actionsand the Ministry of the Interior and the communities of Castile and Leon, Aragon and Navarre. The latter takes water from the Queles River to fill the Dehesa Reservoir, which supplies water to several towns in the Foral community of Navarra. In the next few hours, the parties will hold their first meeting.

In the meantime, awaiting confirmation through several negative tests that the water is not contaminated, Drinking tap water remains prohibited in Tarazona, Novaras, Torreras and Los Fayos. An outbreak was declared in Tarazona over the weekend of Sept. 9-10, triggering the spread of gastroenteritis cases that have eased in recent days.

Given that preventive measures have been effective and the peak of infection has passed, but It is expected that specific cases will continue to appear Through human contact.

Clinically, patients present this picture: mild illness, It manifests as diarrhea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting and fever.

Criticism from the Spanish Socialist Party

For their part, Socialist mayors and town council members affected by the pandemic have regretsElectronic information and lack of transparency The capacity of the Aragonese government to manage this public health problem. This is Leticia Soria, Socialist Spokesperson of the Tarazona City Council and Representative of the Assembly of Aragon, Pilar Pérez, Mayor of Torellas and Pedé, Mayor of Novalas. Statement issued by Lo Luis La Puente following a meeting with the Tarazona City Council Speaker. Socialist Group in Parliament, Mette Pérez.

Soria urges Aragonese government to coordinate better to avoid “Opacity“In his opinion, they have acted so far. Soria, like Maite Pérez, also regrets Aragonese President Jorge Azcon has not yet visited the town turiasonense is interested in how people experience this public health issue, “Who Worries?”

Torrelillas Mayor Pilar Pérez also condemned the “Delay“At the time the town was notified, they had been unaware of anything since the outbreak was declared in Tarazona on September 9th until the 22nd, after she learned from Tarazona that her town was also affected, she called Public Health Department. Perez asked meClear messages and protocols For all locations. “While Tarazona’s water tanks are being cleaned, other towns have not been given these instructions and we don’t know how to fund these possible treatments because our town council is small and we don’t have the financial capacity,” he said.

Novalas Mayor Pedro Luis Lapuente demanded “Solutions” and more “Speed”“Because ‘many days have passed’, neighbors are experiencing ‘full of uncertainty,'” he lamented.

Maite Perez criticizes Azcon“Having time to travel to Madrid twice in less than a week to support his party leader, but not the region”Nearly 500 people were affected in Tarazona, Torreras, Los Fayos and Novaras.

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