Tarazona gastroenteritis outbreak affects 452 people

this Ministry of Health of the Government of Aragon Keep all assumptions about why presence of cyst Protozoan Cryptosporidium on the river quelsTarazona is the site of an outbreak of gastroenteritis that has affected 452 people, along with Torrelas, Novellas and Los Fayos Fayos) and other cities.

Inspections carried out by members of the Water Commission of the Ebro Hydrographic Union (CHE) and agents of the Civil Guard Seprona in the Queles River almost up to its source have so far been fruitless, “without any indication of discharges or illegal discharges being detected” “. said Health Minister José Luis Bancalero.

After meeting with the mayor and representatives of other organizations, including the Department of Agriculture, Bancalero appeared at a press conference at the Tarazona City Council to analyze the different milestones and actions taken. Since the outbreak was notified to public health authorities on September 11 from primary care.

Origins of the outbreak

Cysts of this protozoan, found in the intestinal tract of humans or livestock, can contaminate water supplies, leading to community outbreaks. They are first detected in the faeces of affected individuals and then in oral water. Analysis begins in the catchment area and later Also detected in oral water. Discover focal points along the river.

However, Bancalero warns that “Scenes may occur where focus is not detected”, as it can even be caused by heavy rain. Therefore, health authorities maintain recommendations: Continue to limit oral fluid intake Until the results on the network come back negative.

Reduce contact with other communities

In this sense, he announced that the work of treatment plants has reduced 24 times Protozoa are present in oral water collections, but it warned this type of infrastructure was “not prepared to eliminate the bacteria”.

Additionally, work is in progress pressurized water “But if the protozoa continues to enter the pipes, it will not be of much use if we take measures to eliminate it,” lamented the Aragonese health minister, who did not rule out any hypothesis that leaks or spills were of protozoan origin.

As a community bordering areas affected by the epidemic, Aragon is in direct contact with the Ministry of Health of Castilla and León and has informed the government of Navarra.the organization is also taking action within its scope, and the Ministry of Health and Ecological Transition have been notified, saying that they will respond tomorrow to the request for cooperation from the Government of Aragon.

In itself, The Aragonese Ministry of Agriculture carried out the inspection because this protozoa affects all mammals and can be transmitted by any other animal, And it can spread from person to person, so Bancalero insists that Importance of hygiene and hand washing.

As for those affected by gastroenteritis, Bancalero believes that not all of them are linked to protozoa, but that all are still suspect.

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