Tarazona has registered no new cases of gastroenteritis in the past hours

Tarazona has registered no new cases of gastroenteritis in the past hoursAndrea Volniku

Affected population curve gastroenteritis outbreak In Tarazona, the condition is in remission.at least that This is based on the latest data Provided by the Ministry of Health to No new cases of gastroenteritis in the past few hours. This is the first time this has happened in the past 16 days. “We cannot be overly optimistic about the situationas we continue to carry out section-by-section investigations of the river to find the source of the pollution,” Public Health Director Nuria Gayán said on Wednesday.

Regarding the possibility of the transfer ending in the next few daysGayon doesn’t want to make any predictions.. “We all remember an epidemiologist who at one point made a prediction and then what happened. Of course we expected the number of cases, the number of oocysts in the water to go down… but it all depends on what the rivers give us. Our data. We don’t want to take a long time to get back to normal”, added.

The infection curve is “similar to the theoretical curve” under similar circumstances, the number of cases increases, a small peak appears, until it disappears completely. “The spike could be due to human-to-human transmission, as pollution loss measures have to be in effect, and this is also limited by not consuming water,” Gayan said.

While technicians from a contract company, accompanied by members of Seprona and CHE, continued to collect samples in the river, they also Analysis of water systems in Torreras, Los Fayos and Novaras is ongoing.

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