Taylor Swift could come to the Cilento to visit her places of origin. Listen to Gabriele Bojano’s commentary

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Taylor Swift could come to the Cilento to visit her places of origin.  Listen to Gabriele Bojano’s commentary

Pop star Taylor Swift would express her intention to come to the Cilento to visit her places of origin.

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More precisely, he would like to stay in Castelnuovo, a small town of about 3,000 people, not far from ancient Velia. The singer-songwriter, who is on the decline everywhere, is due to tour Italy in 2024, and that could be a fitting occasion for a Cilento blitz, birthplace of Baldi’s great-great-grandfather, who then left in 1876 to make his fortune in the States.

We talked about this with journalist Gabriele Bojano.

Taylor Swift and Cilento
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