Ten tips for saving money when going back to school in Valencia

If for many the cost of January was an accumulation of fees and purpose, for others the cost of September and returning to school was even higher.exist ValenciaOn Sept. 11, many families returned to normal life, and expenses increased exponentially as classes returned.so we leave you 10 tips for saving money when you go back to school.

this Valencian Community Consumers Union Several suggestions for lightening the pocket are given. First, he recommends starting with the basics, Check out all the materials we already have at home. From there, a real list of everything you need can be made. Maybe we have folders for other stuff, or our older kids no longer use something the little ones need, so it can be easily crossed off the list and spent some time at home.

Once the list is clear, it is recommended to develop a price comparison Look out for product units and prices in shop windows and catalogs in nearby stores, department stores, or on the Internet. We must also avoid offers that may involve buying more than we need.

consider at the same time product quality This is fundamental. For example, backpacks come in a wide range of prices, and a cheap backpack may not last the entire course. Making the decision for the best value for money will always pay off.

The Alliance also recommends Do not purchase all materials at one institution at one time, as prices may vary from place to place. We can use this visit as an opportunity to see what else we need if we decide to buy a product at an establishment.

Another trick is to make a Estimated costs associated with returning to school. When buying, a good option is to write down each expense (even if small) in a notebook or text sheet to analyze which ones involve a larger outlay and whether this is necessary while starting a course at the same time, for example, or can be done in the future Pay within months. Plus, it can be a good guide for the next lesson, or if you have another child starting that level of education.

It is also recommended not to be affected by the following products inventory.There are plenty of school materials or apparel that use characters from video games, TV, or comics to drive sales, but this resource make the product more expensive.

With regard to clothing and footwear, as of now there are still sale offer In stores that save us money. As with stationery, it is advisable to list what we have, to see what can be used and what we need. Buying as a set (t-shirt, full tracksuit, underwear) is also a good option.

Likewise, it must be considered that it is not necessary to purchase all the materials for the entire lesson plan at the outset.exactly recommended Shop for essentials for the first few monthssince it’s an additional expense in itself, spreading that out over the next few quarters will help simplify that.

Based on the above, many people utilize the following discount event There are things like this in stores that make going back to school a little more bearable. November will be the Black Friday event, but many online stores also have their own specific VAT-free or big discount days, as well as January sales on clothing and footwear. This is a great opportunity to pay your fees during the course.

Finally, it is recommended to consult in advance Aid initiated by public administration To ease the cost of returning to the classroom. Xarxa Llibres, Ministry of Education scholarships or vouchers from councils can provide important help to families at times like these. The Valencian City Hall has announced their bonus campaign, so we advise you to check which aids are available in your city.

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