Ten tips to get rid of hiccups in 60 seconds

If there’s one thing that’s really annoying, it’s Hiccups. this spasmodic contraction This condition occurs when the diaphragm suddenly contracts during breathing, causing the vocal cords to close, ultimately producing a characteristic sound that is very uncomfortable for the person making it.

Hiccups usually disappear as soon as they appear.However, to minimize its duration we will tell you a few Tips to make it disappear in 60 seconds. Here are some of them:

  • Pinch your ears while drinking a glass of water through a straw.
  • Lie face down and drink a glass of ice water in one gulp.
  • Take a deep breath, hold it for 10 to 20 seconds, and then release it gently.
  • Pinch your nose and close your mouth and exhale the air.
  • Drink a cup of chamomile to calm your diaphragm.
  • Bite a slice of lemon as its acidity will affect your body and stop you from burping.
  • Press your nose while drinking water.
  • Taking honey can calm the nerves in your system that cause hiccups.
  • Fill a spoon with sugar and put it in your mouth for a few seconds.
  • Breathe into the paper bag for 10 seconds.

What causes hiccups?

There are multiple What may cause us to hiccupfor example: drinking alcohol or carbonated drinks, eating too much too fast, eating spicy food, being stressed, being exposed to drastic changes in temperature, smoking, taking certain medications, or chewing gum.

What happens if my hiccups last longer than 48 hours?

Mayo Clinic, a not-for-profit clinical practice entity Share Possible causes of hiccups that last for more than two days in a row. all these are:

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  • Have central nervous system disease.
  • Suffering from nerve damage or irritation.
  • Have metabolic problems.

If you have persistent hiccups, it’s a good idea to see your doctor. Lest these symptoms lead to serious health problems.

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