Ten tips to prevent the spread of the flu

Spanish flu cases surgeEP/File

Due to the high incidence of influenza cases in our country, the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES) has prepared an infographic containing 10 influenza cases. tip basic knowledge avoid infectionamong which the importance of prevention is particularly prominent.

1.handwashing Often: before eating, before handling food, after leaving the bathroom, and after blowing your nose or coughing.

2.cover mouth and nose When sneezing or coughing: If possible, use your arm or a tissue instead of your hands.

3.Use organize: Throw it away after each use, do not put it in your pocket or leave it on the table or nightstand.

4.avoid kissing Very close contact, and sharing of glasses, cutlery, towels, and other items that may have come into contact with saliva or secretions.

5. If someone in your household has the flu, Clean more frequently common surface (Doorknobs, sinks, handles) Use your usual cleaning products and air out the room more frequently by opening windows.

6. Carry a healthy lifestyle: Good sleep, healthy diet, drinking water, active life, avoiding alcoholic beverages and tobacco.

7. of Use a face maskrecommended only under the following circumstances:

– People who are sick or starting to experience flu-related symptoms when in the presence of other people, especially in poorly ventilated areas.

-Health care providers in the presence of patients with influenza A (H1N1) or patients with symptoms consistent with influenza A (H1N1).

– In enclosed areas, always try to provide ventilation.

8. of vaccine You have the flu if you are in a high-risk group (chronically ill, obese, over 65, sick children over 6 months old, health care workers).

9. The virus can spread from the day before symptoms appear to 7 days after symptoms appear, with the most contagious power in the first three days after symptoms appear.recommend stay at home to make sure you don’t pass it on to anyone else.

10. If you have any questions, consult with professionals sanitary.

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