Ten ways to reduce appetite and lose weight more easily

Ten ways to reduce appetite and lose weight more easilyfree graph

Sometimes, despite a full meal, after a while you feel the need to peck What the body wants is almost always a food that is loaded with sugar, carbohydrates and tens of calories, the unhealthiest option.

In this case we talk about appetite instead of from hungerthe desire to eat pleasure and does not belong to physiological needs Feed yourself to get the energy you need to survive.

next to this peck bad habits At meals, they can cause us to eat more than we need, which can end up on the scale in the form of: a few kilograms more.

If you are at a point in your life where you want to lose weight or just want to develop a diet, we are here for you Ten Simple Tips You have it at your fingertips to help curb your appetite. all these are:

1- Eat five times a day. Try to eat five times a day and don’t allow long periods of time between one intake and another so that you get enough energy that you don’t rot at any point. This speeds up our metabolism and makes us feel less hungry. Plus, always eating at the same time will get our body used to it, which will help balance appetite.

2- Include more fiber and protein in your diet. Fiber swells in the stomach, keeping us full for longer and discouraging us from snacking between meals. Adding satiating foods such as nuts, eggs, fish, oats, cereals or potatoes to your diet can also help you eat less.

3- Quit sugar. Sugar-rich foods provide empty calories and drain energy quickly, so we feel hungry again shortly after eating them.

4- Eat solid food. Some studies have concluded that solid, thick, or firm foods reduce hunger more than liquid, thin, or soft foods. This is because the former takes longer to chew and thus has more time to perceive the satiety signal, while the latter is consumed more quickly and therefore in larger quantities.

5- Drink plenty of water. Water has a high satiety effect and can send signals to the brain that we are not hungry. It’s best to drink close to the time you start eating, as water passes quickly. Soups, broths, or infusions can do the same.

6- Eat slowly. If you are faced with hungry food, you will be more anxious and eat bigger. Also, if you eat too quickly, the brain won’t have time to receive the fullness signal from the stomach, and you’ll end up eating more than you need to.

A man tastes a salad with juice and water.

7- The food is served on a small plate. Eating from smaller plates will allow you to eat less without feeling like you’re eating less. The same goes for cutlery, because if you choose smaller utensils, you will eat slower and eat less.

8- Sleep long enough. Sleeping 8 hours a day, restful sleep helps to balance appetite and avoid hunger and cravings. If we don’t sleep well, sleep deprivation increases ghrelin hunger hormoneless leptin, which makes us feel full.

9- Chew gum. Eating gum is a way to trick the brain into thinking we are eating. If you’re one of those people who is trying to manage anxiety and stress through food, then chewing gum will come in handy to calm you down without overeating.

10- Keep busy. Staying active keeps your brain busy with things other than food, so you don’t have to scour the fridge or kitchen cupboards to find something to satisfy your cravings. Doing nothing awakens a psychological hunger in you that feels hungry even when we’re not fasting. Get out of your sedentary life and set aside at least a few hours each day for walking or practicing your favorite sport.

As long as you pair it with a balanced diet and exercise, these tips will help you take care of yourself.

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