‘Thanks for stopping by’: James Cameron was ready to kick Leonardo DiCaprio out of Titanic – what changed his mind?

James Cameron achieved great success with his 1997 film. Titanic won 11 Academy Awards. Apart from Cameron’s magnificent vision, it was the film’s lead couple that won millions of hearts around the world. It catapulted Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet to eternal worldwide fame, making them one of the best couples in film history.

James Cameron
James Cameron

However, the pairing may never have happened as Cameron was willing to kick DiCaprio out during their pairing because the actor refused to read the character’s lines. However, even he knew that he couldn’t find a more perfect Jack than him, and decided to cast him as soon as Origin the star eventually read the lines.

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James Cameron was ready to fire Leonardo DiCaprio Titanic

Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic
Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic

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Leonardo DiCaprio was not entirely sure that he wanted to star in this film, since he already had a good career and many opportunities. But James Cameron and Kate Winslet eventually convinced him and he showed up for the meeting.

And, as everyone expected, the star charmed everyone with her appearance, personality and charisma. While Winslet was already ready for the role, DiCaprio had one more hurdle to overcome – the screen test. But it was during the screen tests that disaster struck. In an interview with GQ, the director said:

“He arrived a couple of days later and I set up a camera to record video. He didn’t know he was going to be tested. He thought this was another meeting with Kate. So I said, “Okay, we’ll just go into the next room, do a few lines, and I’ll videotape it.” And he said, “You mean I’m reading?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “Oh, I don’t read.” I shook his hand and said, “Thanks for coming.”

Cameron had already given up on DiCaprio, but the actor returned shocked that he was kicked out so easily.

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Leonardo DiCaprio’s screen tests convinced Cameron to cast him in the role.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic
Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio Titanic

When DiCaprio refused to read the lines, Cameron knew he wouldn’t bet his entire career and huge movie on him, and therefore already said goodbye. But then the young actor was not ready to give up, because Avatars The director spoke about this in his interview with GQ magazine.

“And he said, ‘Wait, wait, wait.’ If I don’t read, will I not get the role? Just?’ And I said, “Oh, yes. How respected. It’s a huge movie, it’s going to take up two years of my life… So I’m not going to ruin it by making the wrong casting decisions. So, you will read, otherwise you won’t get the part.”

Relentless and frustrated, DiCaprio agreed.

“So he walks in and it seems like every ounce of his being is so negative – to the point where I said, ‘Go for it.’ Then he turned into Jack. Kate just lit up and they acted out the scene. The dark clouds parted and a ray of sun descended and illuminated Jack. I was like, “Okay. He’s a guy.”

That’s how the $2.2 billion box office movie got its magic combination.

Titanic can be streamed on Paramount Plus.

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