he Basque Country Combined influenza and Covid-19 vaccinations will begin on October 9 for those aged over 60 and those in high-risk groups in the region.Since Monday, these groups have been able to Request an appointment Immunization against two respiratory diseases, with higher incidence in autumn and winter.The immunization campaign started among the country’s citizens in the last week of September nursing home The center will open to the general public on November 6, with appointments available from October 30.
Influenza vaccination will be systematically offered to children for the first time 6 months and 5 years, about 73,000 boys and girls. Therefore, Euskadi has 864,720 doses of influenza vaccine and 400,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine, both of which have their respective efficacy. updated ingredients to ensure better protection against different strains and variants.
The immunization campaign begins, as usual, in nursing homes in the last week of September and, starting today, for those at risk
Sanitation Committee, GotzosagaduyTogether with the Director of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Iziar Larizgotiaand Osakidetza Public Health Program Coordinator, Enrique PerotThis Monday, the vaccination campaign against influenza and Covid-19 was presented in Basquedi, which, in addition to the systemic influenza vaccination of children, also considers lowering the age from 65 to 60 years. risk groupsthus increasing to 700,000 people.
As the counselor explained, the immunization drive has started as usual, last week of september Starting today, high-risk groups, including children, can make an appointment to receive the vaccine starting next Monday through the Osakidetza website or by calling their health center October 9.Remaining people who want to be vaccinated You can request an appointment Vaccination starts from October 30th to November 6th. In both cases, vaccination or both vaccines can be requested.
Regardless of the epidemiological situation at any time, “it is necessary to provide citizens, especially the most vulnerable, with the greatest possible protection”
under the motto “Prevention is better than cure, get vaccinated”Sagadoui explained that the main goal of the event this year is once again “to protect the individual health of the most vulnerable while also protecting the collective health”. 35 years old A vaccination campaign against influenza and, from 2021, also against Covid-19.The Minister of Health stressed that whatever the epidemiological situation at any given time, “it is necessary to provide maximum protection This is possible for citizens, especially the most vulnerable.
Likewise, he stressed that today, vaccines remain a “precautionary measure” more effective “Given the current epidemiological status of Covid-19, and taking into account the availability of vaccines against it, we consider it appropriate to offer vaccination against both diseases to protected target groups for another year. we intend to strengthen”, he noted. He also highlighted two preventive measures “Simple but effective” They are frequent hand washing and the use of masks, the latter, especially for those experiencing respiratory symptoms.
future stage
The vaccination campaign for risk groups will begin on October 9, with priority given to the oldest, More than 80 years, they will receive a personal call from the Osakidetza or BetiOn service and, if they need it, they will be vaccinated in their own home. In phase two, appointments can be requested starting this Monday.Sagaduy recalled that the most at-risk groups were residents, those from 60 years or morepeople with chronic illness or who are immunocompromised, pregnant women, health and social care professionals, carers and people living with others Immunocompromisedand the population of children between 6 months and 5 years old.
It also offers companies and institutions the possibility to offer flu vaccines through their preventive services to people employed in their workplaces.
Next phases include flu vaccinations and vaccinations against Covid-19 rest of the population Starting November 6th, you can request an appointment from October 30th.cooperate with OsalanOsakidetza also offers companies and institutions the possibility to offer flu vaccines to employees in their industries through its preventive services. workplace.
number of doses
In the case of influenza, the number of flu vaccines available is 720,600expandable by 20% to a maximum of 864,720 doses, with updated ingredients based on epidemiological information collected around the world in previous months, including 4 influenza viruses: 2 types A type and 2 types B type.For its part, booster vaccines against Covid-19 also have newer ingredients, including latest variant Identified as omicron isoform. As for available COVID-19 vaccines, those for residents have already been distributed, with some confirmations not expected until October. 400,000 doses The number of vaccines will increase with new deliveries in the coming weeks.