The Best Movies to Watch This Fall – Massachusetts Daily Collegian

“When Harry Met Sally”

This is a must see in the fall. Not only is this one of the best fall movies, it’s simply one of the most heartwarming movies you can watch. Rob Reiner is an expert at making films about everyday life where “nothing” actually happens. Between New York’s fall foliage and Billy Crystal’s iconic sweater, it doesn’t get much better than this. The soundtrack for this movie is fantastic and Crystal and Ryan’s chemistry is perfect. This movie is funny, frustrating, sad and relatable. This movie has something for everyone, whether you’re a rom-com buff, a dialogue buff, or just a lover of a cinematically beautiful film. When Harry Met Sally is my number one recommendation for fall.


This movie could probably be considered a winter movie, but it’s so good that it can be seen in the fall as well. Jack Nicholson plays the role of Jack Torrance, which is unique in his entire life, slowly descending into madness while locked in an empty hotel from hell. This is one of Stanley Kubrick’s most famous films, and his incredible attention to detail enhances this fame. The duration of this film is almost three hours, but every second of this film has a purpose and a compelling story. Although Kubrick and Nicholson were reportedly difficult to work with, Shelley Duvall is stunning as Nicholson’s terrified wife.

The Twilight Saga

Any Twilight movie is the perfect fall movie to watch with friends. My favorites in the saga are the first film in the Twilight series and New Moon. The Twilight Saga soundtrack is the perfect fall music to listen to all season long. The coloring of the first two films is unparalleled from an aesthetic point of view and brings a cool autumnal feel to the films. What could be more fun than vampires and werewolves combined with the beautiful scenery of Washington? Perhaps Edward’s glowing skin when he goes out in the sun. These films are generally considered to be extremely flawed in both acting and story, but my advice is to put aside the nostalgia and indulge yourself.

“The Exorcist”

The Exorcist is one of those movies that is so over the top it’s funny, but it’s a lot of fun. From rumors of a curse on the set to dangerous stunts and practical effects, every aspect of this film is simply terrible. The Exorcist is the poster child for almost every modern horror film, and Linda Blair gives a career-defining performance as Regan, a young girl turned into a demon.

“Home” (Hausu)

House is one of the strangest films I’ve personally ever seen – and it’s amazing. You have to go into this movie completely blind and unprejudiced. It’s weird and extremely pointless in places, and you most likely won’t understand what’s going on. Is House a horror film, a comedy or a surreal dream? The answer to all of the above is yes. He surrounds a group of girls going to visit their aunt’s house, but little do they know, the house was waiting for them. This experimental Japanese film from the 1970s is a must-see, and once you’ve seen it, you’ll want to watch it again and again.

“The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”

This film is one of the most revolutionary horror films ever made. The color palette and story create the perfect 70s time capsule. Although this film is decades old, it is one of the scariest films I have ever seen, not only visually, but also psychologically. The original film from the 1970s is the best and only must-see film in the series. Marilyn Burns, who plays Sally Hardesty, gives a particularly visceral performance as she escapes the serial killer and cannibal Leatherface.

“The Blair Witch Project” (original)

Making a found footage film can be incredibly difficult, and The Blair Witch Project is a catalyst for found footage films. Some may find this movie boring as you never see the elusive monster that is tormenting this group of friends. Instead, this film creates tension through what you don’t see, as many shots focus on the forest or a group of friends walking around. It’s a slow-motion dive into a plot of evil filmed on a handheld video camera that adds an element of chilling reality to an otherwise impossible story. At the time of this film’s release, many viewers were unable to distinguish whether the film was real or scripted, which was emphasized by the creative marketing leading up to the film’s release.

“Practical Magic”

Practical Magic is a classic witch film that falls under the family film category. However, this film has incredibly dark themes underlying all of the magic and fun. I admit this movie has a lot of plot holes and the main plot can sometimes get lost, but the message and the acting make this movie enjoyable. Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman are a wonderful pair of completely opposite sisters. Just for the midnight scene with Margarita, I recommend you watch Practical Magic with your clan.

Olivia Bayer can be contacted at (email protected).

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