the best participants compete in the Tournament

Last date with This and what showfavorite program Paradise 1 held Charles Conti: in the early evening of July 28, the first state broadcaster offers a replay of the last edition of the 2021 season, which brings together all the best participants of the now famous Tournament. So let’s find out everything there is to know about today’s edition, from the contestants to their judged copycats.

Show such and what – Tournament: competitors

After reviewing the 2022 edition such and whatspin-off starring ordinary people, tonight on Rai 1 season finale Such and what show 2021 With Tournamentspecial edition containing all the best competitors issue #11 (which aired in 2021) along with some of the most beloved contestants from the previous season. Thus, at the end of the evening, the absolute winner of the Tournament is selected. Then the 2021 champions rotate on stage, including me. Gemini Guidonia – who won their own edition – Francis Alotta, Stephanie Orlando, Deborah Johnson, Dennis Fantine, Pier Paolo Pretelli AND Cyrus Priello. Instead, among the competitors of 2020 we find Barbara Cola, Carolina Ray, I’m crying AND Virginia.


As usual, and Tournament From This and what show the participants participate by bringing their imitations of the great figures of Italian and international music onto the stage. It starts with Pago as Francesco Gabbanifollowed by Stefania Orlando, who imitates my. The Gvidonia twins compare themselves to Bee GeesCiro Priello with Massimo RanieriVirginia s Justin Timberlake and Pierpaolo Pretelli Achilles Lauro. Then it will be Francesca Alotta’s turn as My martiniDennis Fantine with Michael ZarrilloDeborah Johnson with I loved StuartBarbara Cola with VAT Zanicchi and Carolina Rey Britney Spears.

This and what showjury and where to watch it

Bid Show such and what – Tournament broadcast on July 28th he also sees special heroes at the jury table. Along with the inevitable Loretta Goji, Cristiano Malgioglio AND George Panariellothis evening we also find Antonella Clerici AND Francis Manzinithis time as an explosive Sabrina Ferilli. So the answer is airing tonight at prime time on Paradise 1starting around 21:25 but also available live and on demand on Riplay.

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