The Best Tips and Tricks for Combating Hair Loss and Excessive Hair Loss This Fall

Premature hair loss is a problem that affects many people and, in addition to aesthetics, can have a negative impact on a patient’s self-esteem and confidence. Factors such as genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress and some health problems can trigger hair loss.It is important to prevent or solve this problem Trusted Professional Hair Care Expert.

Men may begin to experience progressive hair loss starting at the age of 20, and in some specific cases from the age of 16, with the main cause being genetic.Research estimates this issue One in five men has the condition At that age. This type of premature hair loss is called androgenic alopecia or teenage hair loss and usually begins at the hairline and crown area.

But hair loss is not a problem that only affects young men. Autumn also has what is called seasonal autumn, It occurs in both sexes and at any age. We must pay attention to distinguish whether we have normal hair loss or hair loss. To understand what we’re facing, we talked to the experts so they could give us all the data we need, as well as some tips for avoiding excessive hair loss.

How to fight hair loss

We call abnormal hair loss alopecia, and when we call it premature hair loss, it’s because it’s happening Age earlier than expected. Natalia Guinot, Pharmacist and Scientific Manager at DS Laboratories: “Premature hair loss can be emotionally difficult, so we must treat and control it.” To do this, we recommend considering the following:

Hair loss is more common in autumn.  (Source: Ananda Feidi)
Hair loss is more common in autumn. (Source: Ananda Feidi)
  • Consult a professional: You must see a doctor to determine the cause of your hair loss to know the most appropriate treatment.
  • Balanced diet: Food is crucial to keeping your hair healthy. It is important to consume essential nutrients. It is recommended to reduce the intake of processed foods that are high in sugar and fat and to include foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, nuts and eggs in the diet.
  • Anti-fall products: We can treat with cosmetics that work from within, such as pills or gummiesor from external sources, such as shampoo or lotion.
  • Control pressure: Practicing daily activities such as yoga or meditation can be very beneficial.
  • Good lifestyle: Quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, and exercising regularly can also help reduce stress levels.
  • Washing program: To stop this hair loss, it is recommended to keep your scalp clean. Lack of hygiene can lead to seborrhea, which can lead to baldness. Excessive friction or force must be avoided to avoid damaging it.

Causes that promote hair loss

“In many cases, hair loss begins during puberty during the hormonal awakening,” they at Capilal Hospital explain. Another major reason has to do with genetics. This type of hair loss causes hair follicles to shrink and reduce hair growth. Begins to show itself at the entrance and overhead.

In addition to this type of hair loss, young men may also suffer from severe hair loss due to some pre-existing causes such as stress, certain infections or diseases, or sudden hormonal changes.This hair loss It is reversible if the cause can be solved.

Stress is one of the main causes of hair loss.  (Source: Freepik/gpointstudio)
Stress is one of the main causes of hair loss. (Source: Freepik/gpointstudio)

In addition to genetic factors, hair loss can also be caused by the use of harsh hair care products, the use of certain dyes, pollution, the use of heating tools such as hair dryers, or poor diet. May cause hair loss in young people.

It is important not to panic because We may face habitual hair loss When hair falls out to make way for new hair to originate in the same hair follicle. «As part of this normal process, we lose an average of 50 to 100 hairs every day. When hair loss turns into thinning and lack of density, we face signs of teenage hair loss,” he details.

In addition to noticing a large amount of hair when washing or combing your hair, there are other first symptoms of hair loss such as Pain, itching, or burning on your scalp. Additionally, you may notice that your hair becomes oilier, duller, or finer.

autumn season

There is more hair loss in autumn. It is estimated that during this season, a person loses approximately 80 to 100 hairs per day, out of a total hair count of approximately 150,000. However, this phenomenon does not necessarily indicate severe hair loss as it is part of the natural hair renewal process. Expect hair to grow back within a few months and follow its natural growth cycle.

Both men and women experience this seasonal hair loss in the fall, although May be more noticeable on people with long hairdoes not mean the loss is stronger.

You must know how to distinguish hair loss from the seasonal hair loss that is common in the fall.  (Source: Kapilal Hospital)
You must know how to distinguish hair loss from the seasonal hair loss that is common in the fall. (Source: Kapilal Hospital)

Hair goes through different stages: growth, rest, and shedding. What happens during seasonal hair loss is that more hair enters the shedding phase. In autumn, due to reduced sunlight exposure, The body’s adaptation to cold environments, is a season that is conducive to an increase in temporary hair loss. This type of hair loss should not be confused with typical hair loss because it is temporary and disappears after a few weeks or months.

Tips to prevent hair loss

Hair, like skin, has a memory, and taking proper care of your hair is essential to staying healthy and strong for longer.Your hair can become brittle after intense sun exposure, sea salt, pool chlorine, and increased summer sweating, so Autumn needs to bring it to life.

Salón YÖY They recommend that, in addition to paying attention to your diet and a healthy lifestyle, you should also follow some tips for caring for your hair.The first of which is Wash with warm water, avoid using hot water that may damage it. Use a mild shampoo suitable for your hair type.

After washing, your hair should be gently dried without scrubbing to remove moisture.They also suggested Apply conditioner after each wash To nourish your hair, use a hair mask once a week for twenty minutes.

DS Laboratories Revita Conditioning
DS Laboratories Revita Conditioning

It’s important to protect your hair from the heat of styling tools like straighteners or hairdryers Products with thermal protection function. Experts also recommend regularly avoiding tight hairstyles, as hair may break due to continued pressure.

“I recommend brushing your hair before going to bed because it stimulates circulation,” advises Ananda Ferdi Salon Director Rosi Fernández.In addition, give Gentle scalp massage Activate circulation and stay healthy. And, to prevent hair loss, it’s crucial to keep your scalp healthy. Excess oil, flaking or dryness are enemies of healthy hair growth and can promote hair loss.

Did I lose too much hair?

To determine whether you’re experiencing normal hair loss or facing something more concerning, there are a number of factors you can pay attention to. As we have seen, hair loss is a natural phenomenon.we should start worrying When bald spots begin to appear on your scalp Because normal hair loss is evenly distributed throughout the hair, hair loss is usually caused in certain areas.

It’s also important to pay attention to the condition of your can experience changes in texture and appearance. If the hair becomes thinner and brittle, it is a sign that the hair is in a weakening stage and should be corrected.

Treatments to prevent falls

Ananda Ferdi Salon Director Rosi Fernández recommends Hair care twice a year in specialized centres. We can make them coincide with the most critical times like fall and spring.

There is a six-week cannabis treatment that includes a special nutritional blend Combined to promote hair growth and strengthening. Additionally, it activates intradermal circulation in the scalp.

Another possibility is treatment with calendula, which can treat problems such as hair loss, peeling skin, or psoriasis.This process has Exfoliating, antiseptic, regenerating, moisturizing and nutritional properties In addition, blood circulation can be activated.

Anti-hair loss hair care products from DS Laboratories.  (Suggested retail price: €47.95)
Anti-hair loss hair care products from DS Laboratories. (Suggested retail price: €47.95)

DS Laboratories launches Spectral, a topical treatment to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. Its formula uses nanonodil, a new ingredient with high efficiency, low molecular weight and no side effects. Simply spray the product six times twice daily directly onto the hair loss area. Results can be assessed within three months Requires rigorous perseverance.

It is an ideal treatment for men and women suffering from androgenetic alopecia, as well as for patients who have undergone hair transplantation and want to lose their hair Protect transplanted follicles and promotes hair growth.

Using specialized products and treatments, good daily habits and taking expert advice is the ideal combination so hair loss is no longer a headache.

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