‘The Blind Side’, Producers Say: ‘The Film Is Genuine, By No Way Can It Be Called a Lie’ | Movie

Even manufacturers Blind areaafter the author of the novel took sides in a dispute between Michael Oher and the Tuohy family on the profits made from the film.

Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosov, co-founders and executives of the company that financed the film, Alcon Entertainmentreleased a statement about the compensation the Tuohy family is receiving, which you can read below:

The notion that the Tuohy family received millions of dollars from Alcon against Michael Oher is false. Alcon paid approximately $767,000 to an agency representing Tuohy and Michael Oher. We expect all of them to generate additional revenue as viewers continue to enjoy this true story for years to come.

They then defended the film, accusing it of lying:

It appears that (the lawsuit) gave critics and journalists the opportunity to unfairly downplay the film 14 years later, with some calling it a “fake” or “lie”. The Blind Side is provably authentic and can never be called a lie or fake, regardless of the ups and downs of events since the film’s release. (…) Today we are as proud of this film as we are of the wonderful co-authors who made it 14 years ago.


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