The cheap and easy way to clean your kitchen range hood filter with ease

The cheap and easy way to clean your kitchen range hood filter with easeShutterstock

Knowing cleaning tips will make you less lazy about cleaning your house.Floors, dishes, kitchens or bathrooms are usually cleaned frequently, but Certain parts of our homes cost us more And we didn’t fix that much. For example, this list includes curtains, carpets, and even toothbrushes (yes, they need a thorough cleaning, too) or sofas.


In short, we cannot ignore some parts that we cannot forget.One of them is undoubtedly Kitchen doorbell. Due to the area or the food kitchen, it is full of grease and dirt, and since the filter is not cleaned every day, dirt will stick to it, making it troublesome to clean.

The question is not doing, but how to do it.If you don’t know what products to use and what technologies to use it can turn into an ordealwhich can confuse us and make us more difficult to get along with.

But what if it is Too easy How about putting everything you need into the pot, waiting, and at most wiping it with a cloth? No, you don’t need to wipe them down and coat them with degreaser to keep them spotless.

lifelong ingredients

To clean the hood filter, you just need a regular cooking pot (the bigger, the better), water and a full cup of one of the aces of household cleaning that works for just about everything: baking soda.

Of course, we won’t be using vinegar or lemon this time, which are great partners for baking soda. nothing to do You have to fill the pot as much as possible (but not to the edge, otherwise everything will come out and you will have to apply the same technique for cleaning a ceramic stove) and bring it to a boil.

When it starts bubbling, add a full cup of baking soda, stir, once it starts boiling, reduce the heat to medium and Put the hood grille there. After a few minutes, since not all the fat has gone in, turn it over and you will see how the part submerged in water has removed most or all of the fat. At the end of the process, at most (and most likely not required) you will have to do a review, and that’s it. Cleaning is easy and hassle-free.

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