The cure for a stuffy nose: as easy and enjoyable as sex


Although this method may have some annoying side effects, such as a runny nose during sexual activity

Sex as a couple.

Physiologically speaking, the most natural thing is that the entry point for air into our respiratory system is through the nose. Even when we move, we should breathe. However, sometimes this can get quite complicated, especially if our throat is blocked, which will inevitably force us to do it through the mouth.

Temperature changes, viruses and bacteria entering our bodies like colds, flu, allergies, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc., as well as overuse of nasal sprays, allergic rhinitis, and even a deviated septum can cause our noses to become clogged.

There are many here home remedies Ways to combat a stuffy nose include controlling the humidity in your home, massaging your nostrils and even steaming your head with a towel, but the remedy we’re talking about today you may not have heard of, and in addition to being effective, it’s also most pleasurable: having sex.

Jam and sex, that’s what relationships are


was proposed by an otolaryngologist Michael Berningerpresident of Cleveland Clinic Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.from reason They explain why sex is so effective at relieving nose congestion, “The soft tissues of the nose contain blood vessels called turbinates, which swell to a similar extent to the erectile and labial tissues of the male and female genitalia, respectively. Inflamed tissue in the nose can eventually block the nasal passages, causing nasal congestion and subsequent difficulty breathing. In Awakening During the process, the sympathetic nervous system (the system that activates the fight or flight response) is activated; “causing blood vessels to constrict, helping to relieve congestion.” “

Although according to experts, not all of this method has advantages, and it can have some annoying side effects, such as a runny nose during sexual activity. He also warned it was not a guaranteed remedy and would only ease our congestion for 45 minutes to an hour. And after the climax, “The parasympathetic system, which is responsible for conserving energy and lowering the heart rate, kicks in. At that point, the nose slowly begins to return to normal, causing nasal congestion to return.”explain.

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