The effects of fasting depend on how long we don’t eat

Fasting is an ancient practice used for spiritual and health purposes. In recent years, it has gained popularity as a technique for improving health and promoting metabolic health. Dr. Ariana Baptista da Cunha, an expert in regenerative medicine, shares some thoughts on long-term fasting and how it affects the body depending on how long we don’t eat .

Not eating for 12 hours

Dr. Ariana noted: “Fasting for twelve hours burns fat and lowers blood sugarThis statement is consistent with research showing that by fasting for twelve hours, the body begins to burn fat reserves for energy.

A 2016 study by Patterson et al. titled “Intermittent fasting and human metabolic health”, suggesting that fasting during this period helps improve insulin sensitivity, thereby lowering blood sugar levels.

Not eating for 16 hours

Dr. Ariana emphasized in her explanation that “Autophagy (removes cellular waste and promotes regeneration) at 4 p.m.“.

this Autophagy This is the natural process by which cells in the body eliminate damaged or unnecessary components. A 2016 study by Yoshinori Ohsumi, who won the Nobel Prize for his research on autophagy, titled “Mechanisms of Autophagy,” highlighted the importance of this process in preventing disease and promoting cellular health.

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Not eating for 24 to 72 hours: Ketosis

Ketosis is a A fascinating metabolic process occurs when the body does not have enough glucose, or sugar (your main source of energy), instead start using fat as your main source of fuel. Below, we dive into how it developed and its components.

When we eat foods rich in carbohydrates, The body converts them into glucose Use them as energy. Any excess glucose is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. However, our bodies can only store a limited amount of glycogen. Without consuming carbohydrates for a long time, For example, during fasting or very low-carb dietsthese glycogen stores are depleted.

Once the body runs out of glycogen, it looks for another source of energy. This is where ketosis comes into play. The liver begins to break down fat, Releases fatty acids and converts them into ketone molecules. These ketones circulate in the blood and serve as an alternative energy source, especially for the brain, an organ with high energy demands.

Dr. Ariana Baptista da Cunha noted, “Ketosis occurs within 24 to 72 hours“. This window of time is typically when many people enter ketosis during fasting. It’s important to note that exactly how quickly a person enters ketosis May vary due to personal factorssuch as basal metabolism, physical activity and initial stored glycogen amount.

The advantages of ketosis include increased fat burning, which can lead to weight loss, and a sustained supply of energy, which can lead to weight loss. ups and downs in energy levels Some people experience this when they rely on carbohydrates. However, it’s important to understand that while ketosis has potential benefits, it can also have side effects, especially if maintained long-term. Some people may experience what’s known as the “keto flu,” which includes symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and nausea.

Who can benefit from long-term fasting?

While fasting can provide a variety of benefits, it’s not suitable for everyone. According to Dr. Ariana, “Prolonged fasting is contraindicated by people who are pregnant, have metabolic diseases, children, have eating disorders, or are very anxious.“.

However, in some cases it can be beneficial, such as for people with diabetes and cancer. In addition, he also emphasized that “Cell regeneration happens every few days, depending on the condition of the cells, and it doesn’t happen just by fasting for 12 hours and drinking only water and salt.”. Therefore, it is crucial to get the right advice before embarking on any type of fasting.

For people with stomach issues like reflux or gastritis, Dr. Ariana recommends avoiding prolonged fasting: “I don’t recommend it in these cases“.

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