the film with Maïwenn and Johnny Depp at Cannes

To open the edition number 76 of Cannes Film Festival The May 16th it will be the movie Jeanne du Barry by the French director and actress Maiwenn. The film will arrive simultaneously in cinemas across the Alps to tell a unique story.


The protagonist of the film is the courtesan Marie-Jeanne Beculived in France between 1743 and 8 December 1793, the date of her execution on the Place de la Concorde during the French Revolution. Of her The humble origins of her, daughter of Anne Becu de Cantigny and of an uncertain father (it is said he was a monk), did not prevent her from an extraordinary social ascent. Sent in the early years of her life to a religious college, she received useful teachings to provide her with knowledge of literature, history, geography, art. She soon took service, first in a hairdressing salon, then in the house of a noble widow, which allowed her to learn aristocratic ways. She eventually worked in a fashion boutique, where she made her the hottest style of the time. All these experiences have shaped Jeanne of her, useful for her access to court, no less than her legendary beauty. At 19 she became her lover Jean-Baptiste, comte du Barry-Cérès who introduced her to Richelieu. It was he who soon introduced it to the king Louis XV who, after a series of mourning, including that of his wife and the favorite Marquise de Pompadour, fell madly in love with her. Unaware of her low lineage, he took her with him to court, designating her as her new favourite. Jeanne du Barry will be at the sovereign’s side for five years, during which she will discreetly influence the king’s decisions and surround herself with artists.

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To narrate the deeds of this heroine is the director Maïwenn, who also plays the character. To play the role of King Louis XV is instead a discovery Johnny Deppwho returns to the big cinema after the allegations of violence by his ex-wife Amber Heard. This is the synopsis: “The film chronicles the life, rise and fall of King Louis XV’s favorite. Jeanne Vaubernier, a young working-class woman hungry for culture and pleasure, uses her intelligence and her charm to climb one rung of the social ladder after another. Of her She becomes the favorite of King Louis XV who, unaware of her status as a courtesan, regains through her his appetite for her life. The two fall madly in love and against all decorum and etiquette, Jeanne moves to Versailles, where her arrival scandalizes the court ”. Also in the cast Melvil Poupaud, Pierre Richard, Pascal Greggory, Benjamin Lavernhe, Noémie Lvovsky And India Hair.

Robert Pisa

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