The Gaza war: “a crack” in relations between Muslim and Jewish communities, and the yellow star is a “cheap provocation” – British and Israeli newspapers

image source, BEE

As international newspapers, including British and Israeli ones, continue to pay attention to the ongoing war in Gaza, today we focus on three articles.

The first is an article by journalist Raymonda Ali in the British newspaper The Guardian, in which she states at the beginning that “the rift that has affected relations between Muslim and Jewish communities in Britain in particular, and in the world as a whole, is a of the victims of the war in Gaza”.

He expresses fear that this split will lead to “the erosion of concerns about the protection of religious relations between sects, which threatens to fuel an already serious wave of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia”.

Consequences of the war

Raymonda points out some examples of incidents that actually happened after the war. Of which:

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