The head of the Consumers Union became a victim of online fraud – Last Minute Türkiye News

Consumers Union President Aydin Agaoglu has become a target of online scammers and has warned them several times. The suspects contacted Agaoglu via social media under the pretext of collecting donations.

Describing the incident, Consumers Union head Agaoglu said: “I am not completely convinced that help is needed for two orphans. But the story they wrote to me in the direct message section of Instagram is very interesting. He writes under the name of a woman, and the account has more than 1,500 followers. And these are fake followers too. “It doesn’t look like anything, it also includes the people I follow. So, it gave me some confidence,” he said.

“Three weeks later, he wrote to me from the same account and scolded me,” said Acaoglu, who continued to communicate despite not fully trusting the people who reached out to him. “Then I said, ‘If this person is really in need, I would like to help, and if he is a scammer, then it is my duty. Arrest him and hold him accountable before the law.” “He told me to at least share it in your story, I said I couldn’t do that,” he said. “I gave him my password on Instagram, and he shared it in his story, thus collecting about 2,000 liras, but he hit a hard stone,” he said.

Aydin Agaoglu filed a criminal complaint with the information he had against the people who collected money from his followers on social media. The head of the Consumers Union also warned citizens to be wary of online scammers.

(tags for translation)Türkiye

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