The horoscope for March 20, 2023

In the horoscope of March 20, 2023. Live this day as if it were gathering before a high jump. And prepare good resolutions.

The horoscope for March 20, 2023. It is the last day of the Sun in Pisces, and we will have together: the Sun in Aries, the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon (therefore the new Moon) and the spring equinox.

A moment to be reborn, Therefore. Venus is also conjunct the North Node, therefore, indicates a good tension to what is our purpose.

With the Moon in Pisces in the balsamic phase, or pre new Moon, I would say that the lucky sign both Cancer, while the unfortunate sign the Gemini. But little unfortunate, let’s face it!

The horoscope for March 17, 2023


You prepare yourself in great shape because your birthday season starts tonight and you will celebrate with deafening roars like that of the Maradona stadium in Naples in the UEFA round of 16. Jupiter is ready to provide you with endless gifts such as the best eighteenth or debuts in society. You are a real lucky guy.

Love: it is only a carnal pleasure.
Work: you are a true wizard of accounts for the end of the fiscal year.
Health: you are ready to be the star performer of the most amazing party ever.
Tip of the day: study all the rituals to celebrate ‘Ostara’, the beginning of spring.
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The call to nature is very strong thanks to Venus in your sign and a Moon that inspires great projects in you. Like many young metropolitans, you too are very ready to leave the city to immerse yourself in greenery by developing new eco-sustainable businesses.

Love: you are a true guru of love.
Work: you do everything with great dedication like a good mother when she cooks for her little ones.
Health: you are a real splendor to put on display right away.
Tip of the day: buy a bouquet of fresh flowers to perfume and embellish your home.
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Passion is very aroused with Mars always ready to add a little chilli. In fact, your marketing ideas are like those of Gianluca Vacchi who has the mascot of his kebab chain distribute promotional condoms to middle school students. Be careful because you may attract very little approval.

Love do you like it spicy like a garlic oil and chilli at midnight.
Work: your thoughts go back to being very fast like cars on the motorways in Germany.
Health: you focus only on exercises of movement of the pelvis.
Tip of the day: learn to give loving hugs.
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Finally love blossoms, the one with a capital ‘A’ with Venus returning to make you experience sweet emotions. Just like Eros Ramazzotti who shows himself in the open with his new girlfriend Dalila Gelsomino and shows off effusions in public. You can usher in the season of romantic dinners.

Love: you’re all in a jujube soup.
Work: you are tastier than the ice cream man who adds smarties on the cream and strawberry cup.
Health: now your smile is truly irresistible.
Tip of the day: visit the places with the most beautiful blooms in the world.
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Greetings Venus and great feelings like Elisabetta Canalis her marriage to Brian Perri. You only engage in those passionate relationships that don’t last more than forty-eight hours and then block contact on the phone and social media. You have no intention of feeling romantically attached.

Love: you only throw it on sex.
Work: you have all the credentials to be awarded by the boss as the best collaborator in the whole office.
Health: you can let off all your energy with an intense thai box workout.
Tip of the day: go for a yoga retreat.
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With Mercury having removed himself from the opposition, you have the feeling that your thoughts are no longer constrained by the speed limits, precisely those that Matteo Salvini would like to change for the highways. Plus love with Venus makes your little heart blossom like cherry trees this season. Now that’s quite a leap forward, isn’t it?

Love: you’re really ready to binge.
Work: your desire for order is no longer obsessive.
Health: you are so coordinated that you can follow the group dance lesson perfectly.
Tip of the day: prepare the ragù at home to give to the neighbors.
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Your ability to communicate now that you have Mercury opposition is as misplaced as Elon Musk’s tweets to his employees. In order not to run into ‘diplomatic’ crises you should follow the approach of Billie Eilish who has decided to delete all her social apps from her phone. So you too won’t feel the constant pressure to share or post something, preferring silent privacy.

Love you are greedy and lustful like a nutella crêpes.
Work to move from room to room in the office you need google maps.
Health: you ooze sex appeal even with a very serious Iene-style suit.
Tip of the day: prepare the schiscetta at home for the lunch break at work.
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Your sex appeal has gone out like the heaters with the upcoming summer. Opt for an ascetic love life just like the one Massimo Carraro embraces after years of great unbridled passions. The passage of Venus in opposition is so decisive that on matters of the heart you already ask for early retirement.

Love: you don’t even care if it is well described in a scientific treatise.
Work: sending invoices is a unique pleasure.
Health: you realize you have to immediately run for cover for the costume fitting.
Tip of the day: organize a ‘witches night’ to celebrate the beginning of spring.
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You feel carried away by a certain intellectual verve now that Mercury returns to stimulate and make all your synapses work well. Your great desire for research and discovery re-emerges just like J-Ax who wanders around the districts of Milan to ‘scouting’ new musical talents. You are once again full of initiatives to put on the field.

Love: you could mistake it for a charm to hang on your bag.
Work: you go back to being a professor of financial investments.
Health: you cheer for your newfound perfect organization.
Tip of the day: learn to be punctual.
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Usually you prefer a very strict education, like a Swiss boarding school, but now that Venus has returned to soften your little heart like slices of lard with roast cooked in the oven, you are able to close both your eyes and relax even surrounded by unruly kids. So much so that to Claudio Santamaria’s statements on the importance of a strict parental attitude, you would like to respond with an irreverent ‘shrug’.

Love: you really have an easy cuddle.
Work: make your office and especially the presidential chair available.
Health: Gorgeous as super model Arthur Kulkov, real crazy cool.
Tip of the day: watch the series ‘The Boys’.
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Your main drive is enthusiasm and curiosity, which Mars and Mercury guarantee you as a lifetime supply. I’m sure you freaked out at the presentation of Disney’s new hyper-realistic Star Wars lightsaber with a blue blade protruding from the hilt. You are ready for exciting role-playing games and for participating in specialized gatherings such as comic fairs.

Love you only physically experience it as a primordial need.
Work claim to be the absolute protagonist, woe to sharing successes.
Health you are always in perpetual motion.
Tip of the day: sign up for the Milan marathon.
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You want to enjoy unforgettable moments without any distractions because the focal point for you is love that returns vigorous and concrete thanks to a very prosperous Venus. You are perfectly aligned with Bob Dylan who bans the use of cell phones during his concerts for a total immersive experience in music and emotions. You are very ready to fluctuate between feelings.

Love: you feel perfectly complete.
Work good cooperation, like that between good little ants, is essential for you.
Health: put yourself on display because you are all worth watching.
Tip of the day: try Osho’s dynamic meditation.
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