The Israeli-Palestinian War: A last-minute appeal from Hamas to the entire Islamic world!

Latest news about the Israeli-Palestinian war: Israel started with Hamas’s initiative “Al-Aqsa Flood” The massacre continues in Palestine after the operation. Member of the Hamas Political Bureau, Osama Hamdan, called on Arab and Islamic countries to sever their relations with Israel and withdraw their ambassadors.

Below are minute-by-minute developments in the Israeli-Palestinian war:

01.05: According to information provided by Shehab Agency, an average of 33 tons of explosives per square meter have been dropped on Gaza in Israeli attacks since October 7.

United Nations: Genocide is being committed against the Palestinian people before the eyes of the world

00.37: Palestine delegate to the United Nations: To the Palestinian people before the eyes of the world “Genocide” It gets done.

Search and rescue activities were suspended due to fuel shortages

00.03: The governor of Gaza announced that the only excavator in the area had become idle due to the end of diesel fuel, and thus efforts to extract people from under the rubble were halted.

23.42: UNICEF announced that 2,360 children lost their lives and 5,364 children were injured in the ongoing attacks on Gaza.

Camera stops from Saudi Arabia

23.21: Saudi Foreign Minister: We all demand an immediate ceasefire and the lifting of the siege.

23.10: United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, “I am deeply concerned about the violations of international humanitarian law that we are clearly witnessing in Gaza.” He said.

Israel Khan began bombarding Yunus

22.40: Israel bombed Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip. There are many dead and wounded.

22.32: Ministry of Health in Gaza: More than 700 people, including 300 children, were martyred during the past 24 hours.

World Health Organization: There are patients being treated without anesthesia in Palestine

21.52: The Palestinian representative of the World Health Organization announced that there are patients being treated without anesthesia in the Gaza Strip.

Israel’s response to the UN announcement: Fuel will not be sent to Gaza

21.18: An Israeli army spokesman said that fuel would not be allowed into Gaza after the UN agency said operations there would halt if fuel was not delivered by tomorrow evening.

20.48: Sirens sound in the Golan Heights.

20:32: Israeli Channel 12: Four gunmen were killed while trying to infiltrate Zikim Beach.

“Cases of the epidemic disease have been discovered in 3,150 people.”

20.12: Ministry of Health in Gaza: Various epidemiological cases were monitored in 3,150 people, most of them children, within one day.

A missile attack on the American base in Iraq

19.36: A missile attack was carried out on the Ain al-Asad base in Iraq, where American soldiers are stationed.

Israel canceled its meeting with Guterres

19.07: Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen announced that he canceled his meeting with United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. He added, “After October 7, there is no room for a balanced approach, and Hamas must be wiped off the face of the earth.” Tell.

An appeal from Hamas to the entire Islamic world

18.39: While the conflicts between Israel and Palestine continue, Hamas has appealed to Arab and Islamic countries. In his statement, Osama Hamdan, member of the Hamas political bureau, called on Arab and Islamic countries to sever relations with Israel and withdraw their ambassadors. Hamdan, He added: “We call on the Arab and Islamic countries and the United Nations to assume their moral responsibility to stop the Israeli aggression.” He said.

(tags for translation)Israel

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