The last woke up madness: JK Rowling was removed from the Museum of Pop Culture

For years J.K. Rowling is targeted by the LGBT community. The creator of the Harry Potter saga is accused of taking a homotransphobic position: in other words, she was not forgiven for simply saying that“sex is the real thing”. There have been many boycott campaigns, and the meat grinder of cancellation culture has always worked. Yate’s last attack on the writer was signed Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) from Seattle, Washington.

According to Telegraphthe museum accused Rowling of“hateful and controversial opinions”. A reference to the rainbow world, in particular to the trans-fringe: in 2020, he got into a storm for mocking the use of the phrase “people who are menstruating” together “womenWell, MoPOP will continue to showcase memorabilia from the Harry Potter films, but all references to the creator of the franchise will be removed.

“The museum is clearly on the side of non-binary and transgender communities”– commentary of the Museum of Variety Culture in the footnote.“There is a certain cold, heartless, joy-sucking entity in the world of Harry Potter, and this time it’s not really a Dementor.”words Chris Moore – a transgender person who uses pronouns “he/they”:“This person speaks too loudly with her hateful and divisive views to be ignored… Her transphobic views take center stage these days, but we can’t forget all the other aspects in which she is problematic.”

Focusing on Rowling’s removal from the MoPOP Hall of Fame, Moore explained that the creators chose to reduce her influence on the gallery: “It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s something we’ve been able to do in the short term by implementing long-term practices.”. I’m not crying, Moore accused the writer ofashamedFromno LGBTQIA+ representationand use racial stereotypesin his books.

There fury woke up it is dangerous, there is no doubt about it. And it is fed by salts, ready for anything to take advantage of the momentum. Such is the case with many actors in the Harry Potter saga who have unequivocally attacked Rowling’s positions. Daniel Radcliffe explained that many young fans were “injuredfrom her views on transgender issues. Rupert Grintwho played Ron Weasley insisted that“Trans women are women, trans men are men.”Bye Emma Watson, the face of Hermione Granger, made a hefty donation to the controversial trans lobby charity Mermaids and later encouraged her Twitter followers to follow suit. And there was no shortage. death threats and intimidation:“I have enough to wallpaper my house”Rowling’s irony in a 2021 interview Now for the umpteenth time being attacked by cancellation culture fans.

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