The Legend of John Carpenter

i’m great This isn’t one of the films directed by John Carpenter – although it would be interesting to see his interpretation – but it’s a phrase that American directors can utter without presumptuousness.

Able to bring to life a great number of spectacular masterpieces, in a period when science fiction was certainly not the most marketable genre, John Carpenter earned a prominent place on the Olympus of directors best loved by science fiction fans. Have done

This section is dedicated to this director John Carpenter – The Legend Published by Weird Books and edited by Luigi Boccia, Giada Cecchinelli and Luca Borri.


John Carpenter – The Legend this is the first book magazine Dedicated to the personality of one of the greatest American directors in the world. A revolutionary project able to combine book and magazine: a hybrid that combines interviews with the distinctive insight of essay writing, gathering key elements of the private and artistic life of an eminent figure, multifaceted and master of his style. Carpenter’s almost surgical precision in depicting society, imagining what lies beyond the darkness within each of us, has earned him a reputation as the father of a way of thinking and making cinema that has no equal. Is. Because if it is true that there are people who have been able to differentiate themselves from others, there are also people who are born to be a legend like the carpenter…

John Carpenter – The Legend It is, finally and above all, an act of love, a desire to collect as much as possible to give a complete picture of an extraordinary artist and to pay tribute to a writer who, even today, lives in the collective imagination through his works. resonates. Visionary Stories.

first volume of book magazine Available in a deluxe edition in coated paper printed in 500 numbered copies at all comic stores and bookstores starting June 20.

A project curated by Luigi Boccia, Giada Cecchinelli and Luca Borri.

Contributing: Giovanni Toro, Marco Santusanio, Roberto Lasagna, Edoardo Rosati, Massimo Moscati, Mario Gelotti, Fabio Zanello, Giovanni Escolani.

Cover by Giorgio Finamore.

John Carpenter – The Legend, Ale. Bockia, G. Cecchinelli, L. Borri, Book-Magazine, Strange Book, pag. 160, 26.90 Euro.

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