The magic smoothie that makes you immune to the flu

Nutritionists and food experts They confirm that daily intake of fruits and vegetables is essential for living a healthier life.The best way to combine different elements food Nature What benefits us is Magic Smoothie Helps integrate them into our daily lives Easy, quick and delicious to prepare.

Smoothies play a very important role in this case, as they are a great way to combine a large amount of healthy food and are also transportable and can be eaten on the way to work, at breakfast or before exercise.In addition, there are some cases that help Fight the flu.

Experts recommend a strict diet of wholesome foods, which should be combined with organic fruits, vegetables and seeds.Given this, smoothies are This is a great option to help your body cope with the virus and effects so you don’t get any seasonal flu.

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How to make a magic smoothie that makes you ‘immune’ to the flu

Preparing this smoothie is very easy as they are easy to find seasonal fruits and provide vitamins C and D which, combined with a healthy diet, will help combat any seasonal flu.

raw material

  • 1 cup orange juice
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • 2 strawberries
  • 2 guava
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Miracle Smoothie to Fight All Flus This Season

Foods provide vitamins C and D to fight the flu

Foods provide vitamins C and D to fight the flu

free drawing


The first step is to thoroughly disinfect the hands with which we are going to handle food, then squeeze the juice of an orange without seeds, do the same with two lemons, cut the strawberries and guava into slices. Then mix until liquid and add a tablespoon of honey to sweeten it. It is recommended to enjoy it with ice when the weather is hot.

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