The most common diseases caused by autumn weather changes

As the climate changes and the seasons change, seasonal illnesses such as the common cold, flu, and respiratory infections become more common in the fall and winter. The weather during these months is often cold and wet, which weakens the immune system and increases the risk of illness. Here are some of the most common diseases in the area.

Seasonal and basic preventive measures:
Acute respiratory infections (ARI): Acute respiratory infections, such as colds and flu, are the most common illnesses during this period. In 2022, there will be more than 5 million cases of acute respiratory infection among preschool and primary school students nationwide.
Seasonal Allergies: Pollen shedding from plants and leaf drop from trees and certain grasses are probably the most common allergens this season.
Conjunctivitis: More than 200,000 cases of conjunctivitis were reported in 2022, according to the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS). This is caused by untreated allergies.
How to prevent these diseases at home:
Precautions must be taken at home to reduce the chances of any type of symptom exacerbation in vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly. Coblenz, a brand trusted by Mexican families, offers some key prevention tips:
Cleaning: Regularly clean and dust surfaces in common areas of your home, such as worktops, floors, bedrooms and carpets. For this purpose, there are devices such as vacuum cleaners with advanced technology that, while cleaning, help purify the air and eliminate large numbers of mites and bacteria that can breed flu and allergies.
Precision cleaning: In addition to vacuuming, it is crucial not only to clean the interior areas of the house; cleaning the courtyard, windows, exterior walls, and even the private cars that transport children to school or adults to work every day are key points in disease prevention. For this purpose, using equipment like a pressure washer, which helps in better cleaning due to its pressure jet and water-saving features, becomes crucial at home.
In summary, fall and winter bring more discomfort and may lead to seasonal illnesses due to weather conditions and closer social interactions in indoor spaces. Prevention through vaccination, good personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle are crucial to protecting your health this season.
Deep cleaning is a powerful tool in preventing the spread of disease.

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