The philosophy of intraspecies killing in humans

The question is: why do people kill people? person; It means establishing a human relationship with another person. Killing people means breaking the bond. The ability to kill others in order to maintain biological existence is hard-wired into the amygdala and hippocampus in the brains of all living beings, including humans. In other words, existence in the natural order is possible through killing. Since organisms are multicellular and feed on organisms, they are classified as “indeterminate (homotypic)” and “indeterminate (heterotypic)” on the basis of being “prey and predator” of each other. Organisms kill unspecified organisms because they see them as prey. They break their bonds by killing them, but they establish new bonds by eating them. In general, organisms within a species do not kill each other because they do not see their bodies as prey, that is, they do not break their bonds. The group of mammals that kill their own species even though they are not their prey is the class of primates to which the human body belongs. Here, humans use this wild animal killing instinct to kill people. This means that a person who kills people proves that he is prima facie and nominally, even if he says so not as much as he wants. By killing a person, a person only breaks his bond with him, and does not establish a new bond with him because he does not eat his body. Why should he kill?

There is no living species in nature called “human being”. In fact, “man” is not “a natural, tangible living thing,” but rather an “abstract artificial inanimate” creature produced by humanity. The human architecture is a structure installed externally by humans on the “prefrontal cortex” of the normal brain. Man is a metaphysics, the exact opposite of nature, an “ideal antimatter cognitive humanity” structure containing human values ​​produced by humanity. When a person is killed, this temple, which is the real person, is killed, not his body. There is no place for any kind of violence, let alone killing people, in the human structure. person; It consists of two (natural) natures, “animalism (de animalis)” and “humanity (de hominis)”. Whichever is dominant happens. But in order to produce “human beings,” humanity must completely destroy this animal nature in humans. Of course, this is a very difficult process. Because the antimatter called “human” exists in animal matter called the body. The reason humans kill humans is because they are going through the “intermediate human” stage, which is the transition from animal to human. The “middle man” philosophy; He expresses this through “human-looking (anthropomorphic)” and “human (human)”. He is the “human-animal”, the “human-animal” or “human-animal” stuck between animalism and humanity. The animal “id personality” trumps the human “ego” and “superego” personalities. The only thing that matters to this animal man is; It is a “natural organic life (nuda vita)” consisting of eating, defecation, and reproduction. This hunting animal kills people for their natural and artificial goods and possessions, although it does not eat their bodies. The most obvious sign of a running animal is a screaming exhaust without a silencer.

The animal man sees himself only as an internal species, and all other human beings as an additional species. In his view, humans are worthless. It is a predator of the human body, not for food, but for its possessions. This property can belong to all people, including relatives. non-species; It makes it lawful to take each other’s lives, property, and lands. Whoever kills people with artificial and hypothetical excuses such as religion, sect, and race, is absorbed and imprisoned by his animality. When humans become fully human, they will view humans as their own species, and intra-species killing can end. If he remains in an intermediate form and is unable to become a human, he becomes more dangerous than an animal. Verse: “We created man in the best manner.” The verse “Then We sent it down to the lowest of the lowly” (Al-Tin: 4-5) expresses this situation. Philosophy calls the state of savagery, which psychiatry calls “Amok Syndrome”, “Homo Virus” (Wild Man). Man and the State The “viral man” is stuck in the state of nature (kata visen), the scourge of humanity and the greatest obstacle to humanization. In order to be humanized, everyone must have access to humanizing education at all levels of education up to the age of twenty.
Humanity has applied the process of “humanizing” people in order to produce “perfect human beings” since they came to their senses. In antiquity he tried to do this with the disciplines he invented, first God and religion, then “ontology,” ethics, and law. It is making progress in this field day after day, but it has not yet been able to achieve this.

It was only in the last thousand years before Christ that humanity began to think philosophically, leading to a mental “deviation of personality” from the “natural nature” that had dominated humanity until then to “human personality.” Although all the efforts of philosophers from this stage onwards were aimed at producing humans from animals, this has not yet been achieved. The main reason for its failure is that people are not governed by the head class, which is the human class of thinkers, but by the inhuman class of hand, arm, mouth and foot. Although the majority of people expect to be treated above their level, they follow managers at their own level, not at the level of higher minds. Another reason is that philosophers are against religions that make “fratricide” a basis for faith and against the masses of “viral man” who prefer it to humanity.

At the end of three thousand years of philosophers’ struggle, humanity did not end until the year of birth. By banning war since 1945, it has prohibited and made the “invasion” of another country and plundering its property in the name of “spoils” a crime that all of humanity, including religions, considers legitimate. Only in 1948, with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights issued by the United Nations, humanity was able to establish the most advanced “definition of human being” of our time and to date, although it is not yet complete. Now there is only “human”. The past is a product of human thinking; The “definition of human being” on the basis of any external and artificial characteristics such as race, nation, ethnicity, appearance, social class, religion, language and gender was ended. No human being should be subjected to this specific “inhuman” treatment. The legal punishments of the holy books; Violation of the integrity of the body such as amputation of the hand, violation of the body’s immunity such as beating the body with a cane, and “corporal punishments” such as deprivation of the right to life by death were also prohibited as seen. As it goes against the modern definition of a human being, it has been considered a legal crime.

Definitions of “man” in the scriptures should be reformed in parallel with the evolution of the definition of man. They established legal and moral controls by reducing human beings to the definitions of the era from which they came. Every past rule is a product of the level of thought of its time. For example; The Torah, the foundation of the Semitic scriptures, begins with fratricide, in which Cain, the son of Adam, kills his brother Abel for the sake of God, according to the standards of human definition of the time. In fact, rulers used such Hebrew stories, which were found to be taken from the story of the man-made “lahar-as-san” in Sumerian mythology, as a basis for belief in the exploitation of their people. Those who believe in interspecies fratricide, encouraged by God’s use, are killing each other even now. These people also kill people belonging to the same religion and family for unfair gains.

Due to mental inability to normalize; Invoking excuses such as “the door of jurisprudence is closed” or “the word of God does not change” is the greatest evil of the Holy Scriptures. For example; The Prophet of the Qur’an It should not be in vain that the Prophet did not make a book, and there is not a single verse or hadith that orders the making of a book. Evidence of this is mentioned in the following verses: “And for every time there is a book.” (Raad, 38) “And We have made the Qur’an easy so that it may be understood.” (Al-Kamr, 17) In other words, the Qur’an has been reduced to the level of periodic perception of the listeners. Philosophy calls this process “reductionism.” Even the level that human intelligence will reach, let alone a few thousand years or millions of years from now, will still be as low as God’s ultimate level. The Qur’an says: “If We abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten, We will surely bring something better than it or something similar to it.” (Al-Baqarah, 106) The institution of “copying” must be understood well. The Qur’an can include updating (absorbing) everything for the better. The person who is going to do the current renormalization must first update the condenser part of his brain. One should not dare to speak in the name of the Quran and God with low modes of perception. Kilobit capacity cannot read programs and files with higher bits.

“Only theologians who have achieved modern thinking are able to modernize religious communities.”
“The most difficult task is to make contemporary works using outdated human materials.”

It is possible to prevent the killing of people by managing the amygdala, hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, which do human thinking. When humanity produces the “human race,” humans will be fully human and the killing of humans will stop. Humanity does natural sciences in order to control nature and natural materials by knowing the natural system and producing the human being it wants to produce that does not exist in nature. Humanity has reached the goal of producing the “perfect man,” which philosophy calls the “super-man,” religions call the “perfect man,” and science calls the “super-ego,” which it cannot produce with factors such as law, religion, God, and morality. It will be achieved through its application.

the people; They are divided into two categories: “obsolete” and “asynchronous”. Outdated. Not what lives in it, but what remains in the past. asynchronous. This is what happens at the time he lives.
People and societies that want to exist must constantly keep their minds (drives) up to date.
Religiosity and modernity are found in the engine, not in the body of the car. “You cannot build a plaza with mud brick materials.”

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