The Ramón Carrillo Hospital has no pediatric guards but has a 24-hour general practitioner

Dr. Suzanne Romero, director of the Dr. Ramon Carrillo Regional Reference Center (formerly the Women’s and Children’s Hospital), clarified the neighbor’s claim as they assured that “there was only one doctor on duty and no pediatrician on duty.”

In a conversation with the chronicler Newspaper EL SOL-Tele5“We have a doctor on duty, but 24 hours a day, he’s not a pediatrician, he’s a general practitioner, he sees adults, teenagers and children,” the doctor said. on duty,” the health professional clarified, insisting that “it was not a pediatric guard, but a GP.”

Likewise, the health professional commented that “the duty of the guards is to resolve all low-to-medium complexity emergencies and the rest are referred to the more complex hospital, Masvernath Hospital.”


However, Dr. Romero emphasized that “there is a pediatrician in the office, Monday through Friday, morning and afternoon.” “We have a specialist Monday through Friday. This control and treatment is guaranteed because we There was Dr. Aragon, a pediatric pulmonologist.”

“At the same time, there is a provincial children’s program as well as a children’s low-grade acute respiratory infection (IRAB) program. All respiratory components are conducted in the months of May, June, July and August, targeting children under the age of six. Children, to detect cases of bronchiolitis, bronchitis and pneumonia, run Monday through Friday from 8am to 7pm at Carrillo Hospital in an area known as the COVID-19 area where the clinic operates and later on weekends The guards are also open at times,” he explained.

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