The real Dracula was a vegetarian

General Manager AbelGeneral Manager Abel

General Manager Abel

Journalist specializing in history and paleontology

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As we all know, the most famous vampire in history, Count Dracula, was named after a 15th-century Transylvanian nobleman: Prince Wallachia. Vlad Dracula; also known as Vlad turfThat In Romanian it means “The Impaler”, referring to his habit of impaling his enemies.

However, to the surprise of many people, The historical Dracula was a vegetarian. This is shown by a study conducted by the University of Catania, which determined that saliva, sweat and fingerprints from Vlad Dracula’s personal papers contained no traces of animal proteins.What’s more: the prince suffered Rare disease left him bleeding.

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Who is Vlad Dracula the Impaler?

Vlad Dracula, Prince of Wallachia from 1456 to 1462, was one of the most important rulers in Romanian history: He is considered a national hero In recognition of the independence of the small province of Wallachia against Hungarian and Ottoman occupation.

This independence was achieved largely due to his indomitable character: He had a habit of impaling enemy soldiers Sometimes, civilians are also targeted to spread fear among their opponents.This earned him the popular name: Vlad turf, meaning “the piercer”.His last name comes from his father’s nickname Delacourmeaning “dragon”.

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