The real secret to longevity?You Can Live 20 Years More If You Follow These 8 Healthy Habits

The quality of proper stress management or emotional management is a key factor in delaying aging (Getty)

we live in golden age of longevity, Globally, life expectancy has reached unprecedented levels.This is thanks to great advances in science and medicine, such as vaccines and new drugs; urbanization and urban sanitation, and – looking at the things in our hands – a better awareness of the consequences of daily habits In terms of health.

on that road live longer and betterthis is fundamental take care of our bodiesfeed and hydrate him, perform daily physical activity, and rest at least 7 hours each night.

To this end, call lifestyle medicineIn recent years, it has gained notoriety for focusing on treating the root cause of disease rather than just addressing symptoms.

Within this framework, a study proposes Nutrition 2023American Academy of Nutrition Annual Meeting, conducted among 719,147 people, noted that the exercises Eight Healthy Habits for a 40-Year-Old and Men live 24 years longer and women live 21 years longer.

“We were surprised to find so much benefit from adopting one, two, three or all eight lifestyle factors. Our findings suggest that adopting a healthy lifestyle is important for both public health and personal well-being … the sooner the better. But Even if you only make one small change at 40, 50 or 60, it can still be beneficialXuan-Mai Nguyen, a health science specialist at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and lead author of the study, said.

Maintaining positive social relationships and being physically active on a daily basis are aspects that contribute to a long and healthy life (Getty)

1- Exercise

This won’t surprise many, but it’s crucial. Certain types of exercise can even make our cells appear biologically younger, researchers have found.Common age-related illnesses such as pneumonia, stroke, complications of diabetes, and serious urinary tract infections can be treated simply by increase physical activity A recent study conducted by British researchers showed that moderate.

Among nearly 82,000 British adults, scientists found exercise often have less likely to be hospitalized Various health conditions for years to come.

2- Avoid smoking

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco use kills approximately 8 million people worldwide each year.Likewise, more than half of smokers die from the effects of smoking They live on average 10 to 15 years shorter than non-smokers.

Tobacco in all its forms is harmful and there is no safe level of tobacco exposure.

3- Prioritize good sleep

Sleep has important biological functions, and scientific evidence suggests that chronic sleep deprivation can have multiple health effects (Getty)

Adequate sleep, defined as at least 7 hours per night for adults, plays a vital role in biological and psychological restoration. Despite the importance of sleep, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 40% of the world’s population does not get a good night’s sleep.

In addition, lack of rest or disturbances during sleep “may trigger or exacerbate disease Infobae warns: Dr. Daniel Perez ChadaPresident of the Argentine Sleep Foundation and Director of the Sleep Clinic of the University Hospital of the South.

4- Manage stress levels

A Harvard study on external factors that trigger increased biological age suggests that while stress is a part of life, its mismanagement can accelerate aging.

severe stress It can trigger an increase in biological age, but if this stress is brief, the signs of biological aging can be reversed. ” Brigham and Women’s Hospital associated with the university Harvard University.

5- Avoid overly processed foods

Diet, including food composition, calorie intake, duration, and frequency of fasting periods, affects the length of time to maintain health and ability to function (Illustrative image Infobae)

The saying “We are what we eat” is probably well known. The key is a varied and balanced diet, including a higher intake of vegetables and fruits. Of course, avoid excess sugar, fat, and sodium.

A healthy diet helps protect us from various forms of malnutrition, as well as non-communicable diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.

Reducing salt intake is one of the easiest habits to form and can save thousands of lives each year: “Keeping salt intake below 5 grams per day (equivalent to less than 2 grams of sodium per day) can help prevent High blood pressure and lower risk of heart disease: This also includes reducing intake of high-sodium ultra-processed foods, warns the World Health Organization.

6. Don’t drink too much alcohol

According to the World Health Organization, over time, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to more than 200 diseases. It’s not about abstaining completely, it’s about avoiding excesses. And save delicious toasts for special occasions.

“(Healthy habits) are established as early as possible, but even if you make only small changes at 40, 50 or 60, it can still be beneficial,” study authors say (Getty Images).

7- No Opioid Addiction

According to research presented in Nutrition 2023, this refers to the absence of OCD from addiction to opioids, unless prescribed for medical use under precise medical prescription.

8- Maintain positive social relationships

The longest-running happiness study in history, conducted by experts at Harvard University, finds that maintaining healthy, positive relationships is the key to living a long and happy life.

Happiness and social connection are also keys to longevity (Illustration Image Infobae)

“The most consistent finding we’ve seen from 85 years of research is that positive relationships are so powerful, they make us happier, healthier, and — as if that wasn’t enough — help us live healthier lives,” the researchers said. Long.”

To be precise, the first key is to have a active social life Robert Waldinger, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, director of Harvard Adult Development Studies, and director of psychodynamic therapy at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Marc Schultz, associate director of Harvard Adult Development Studies and a postdoctoral practicing therapist. Shulz for the Harvard Medical School Health and Clinical Psychology program.

Inspiration from scientific research

The study, which will soon be published in the scientific journal, used data from 719,147 people Participated in the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Million Veterans Initiative, a large nationally representative study of U.S. veterans. The analysis included data on adults aged 40 to 99 years and included 33,375 deaths during follow-up.

The results show, low physical activityopioid use, and smokes has the greatest impact on life expectancy, with 30% to 45% increased risk of death.other factors such as pressureheavy drinking, poor diet, and poor sleep hygiene were associated with a 20% increased risk of death, while a lack of positive social relationships was associated with a 5% increased risk of death.

These findings underscore the role of lifestyle factors in chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, leading to premature disability and death. They also help quantify the extent to which healthy lifestyle choices can help reduce your risk of such diseases and help you live longer.

Although research is observational Although causality has not yet been conclusively proven, the study authors note that these findings are consistent with a growing body of research supporting the role of: The role of lifestyle factors in the prevention of chronic disease and promoting healthy aging.

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