The Red Cross invites you to get a flu shot – El Sol de Durango

During the winter, three viruses will circulate among the population, including Covid-19, influenza and the respiratory syncytial virus that causes the common cold; Mónica García Candia, head of medical services at the Red Cross state delegation Dr. García Candia admitted in an interview that for this reason it is necessary to strengthen the immune system with corresponding vaccines to avoid complications.

In this regard, he said that respiratory diseases are very common in the cold season, especially among people under 5 years old and adults over 65 years old; therefore, it is important to pay attention to the initial symptoms, because many complications arise from this.

He insists that given the approaching temperatures, the best way to boost immunity is through vaccines, with boosters for Covid-19 and influenza being very viable options.

García Candia admitted that the number of new coronavirus infections has dropped significantly. The last major peak recorded was in January 2022, and the number of infections is no longer that high this year. However, it should not be forgotten that this is already a seasonal condition and therefore the necessary attention should be given.

While cases of COVID-19 will continue to occur, they will no longer present complications, or at least the resulting mortality rate will drop significantly. He insists now is the best time to vaccinate before going into very cold temperatures, as it must be remembered that the organism takes three weeks to incubate.

Respondents recommended that people with respiratory illnesses use masks, although it is not yet time for universal mask use again, but in very specific circumstances.

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